Personal and Professional Skills:

Our team all worked on electrical, construction, and decorating skills while working on the project. We applied these skills by creating all the mechanisms and the objects that were going to be used such as the ice skaters. We learned how to manage our time and how to split the part equally to finish the jobs that had to be done.


Raul's job was to paint and draw


Ava's helped brainstorming, collected the materials, paint, draw, construct, and did the electrical wiring for the mechanisms


Trace brainstormed and did all of the electrical wiring for the mechanisms


Marco collected the materials and worked on the electrical wiring for the mechanisms, preparing wires and making motors for Trace.


Fatima helped with the brainstorming, wiring, drew, painted, and worked on the website


Kaysie helped brainstorm, did some wiring for the mechanisms, drew, painted, and did the website


Robert collected the materials, painted, and constructed