Now I obviously know that Steam itself does not work on Windows 98, not since 2007. However, there are games that originally came out for windows 9x (Half-Life, Team Fortress Classic, Counter Strike, etc.) that can be bought on Steam. Is there anyway to play those games that are bought on steam on 98 without the steam interface? I also have the original retail versions of those games, and so far, the only way to play those games online is through the unofficial WON2 service. As much as I enjoyed playing on those servers, they are limited and not many people play on them. To play on the current servers for those games, you need to have the steam versions.

Call me crazy if you want, but I refuse to play games that come with a digital leash attached. The requirement that you create an account and register the game online is the reason I've never played HL2. That and I object to the fact that Steam killed the entire market for used copies of their games. If I can play it without Steam, I'd be willing to go buy a copy of it.

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You always see this tossed (There are TONS of games on Steam without DRM because all the indie games I download don't have DRM and because I specifically don't download those games...) around like the people bitching about DRM on steam don't have a legit concern.

SteamSpy lists 12,805 games on steam.

This page _of_DRM-free_games lists roughly 650+ or so games that can be run without Steam either by running the executable or doing some extra work to make it run without Steam (no cracks mentioned).

While I have no doubt that the List of DRM free games is no where near complete we can probably agree that the DRM free games on steam is nowhere near 1,000+ games.....but yeah there are hundreds of DRM free games on steam.

as of today, launching steam with the no-browser tag no longer works, and the game is super stuttery again from web helper using all my CPU. anyone know of an alternative way to launch or a different way to stop the stutters?

after quickly testing on linux (didnt test windows), games run fine, but you need to launch them through minimal mode and you won't be able to chat with people (and you will be offline), because that is handled by the now disabled steamwebhelper. also updates might revert these changes, but that shall be seen

Make a new text file and paste in the code (change the "D:\Games\Steam" path to your own one for the "Steam" folder). Save it as "start-mini.cmd" and double-click the file to open it. Takes a little longer to launch steam but seems to get rid of the webhelper altogether. Don't know how the code works myself exactly though.

-vgui does bring back the older ui for the top section, but unfortunately you still can't disable steamwebhelper even with it enabled (at least on Linux). the new client just assumes you have webhelper enabled when trying to do some CEF stuff and crashes if you've chmod -x'd it:

Well this morning, I was going to buy a supply crate key. Which costs 1.49. But when I try to buy it, it only lets me pay with steam wallet. I mean I could add some money to it, but the minimum is 4.00, and I only need 1.49. And I'm not willing to spend 4 pound. Anyways is there a way I can change the payment method to credit card and not steam wallet? It just selects steam wallet automaticlly and I can't change the payment method to credit card, or anything els. Please help.

Next, in your script, fetch _440/GetPlayerItems/v0001/?key=API_KEY&steamid=STEAMID where API_KEY and STEAMID are your api key and 64-bit steam id respectively. This returns a JSON file which contains a list of all the items in your inventory. Just grab the size of the items array.

I have been having this issue where team fortress 2 native refuses to launch with the following output. As you can see from the output, it's trying to launch hl2.exe. Every time I start steam, team fortress 2 "updates" and replaces the linux native files with the windows files even though proton is not checked. The way I fix it is by force checking proton, then unchecking it immediately after which it performs an update and the linux native files are back.

While this method "works", it is quite annoying and inconvenient to do this every time I launch steam. I am wondering if there is any way to fix this and would appreciate any help with this issue. Thank you

First thing I would do is check if the option "Keep games saves in the Steam Cloud for " is checked. If you still have game saves from a time when you played on windows (friends house, vm etc.), it may still be trying to use the windows saves and then messing up the files. Also, a messy-er solution if you don't play any other games would be to uncheck proton in steam settings, as it may make it stop (just a guess idk).

One thing I'm curious about, maybe try updating the game through SteamCMD (I've never done it but I assume you can), and see if it gives some sort of weird output

Hope this helps!

Uninstall TF2, delete anything left over in its directory, and also in the pfx compat data (in .steam/steam/steamapps/compatdata in your home directory by default, ) delete or rename the 440 directory.

I have a Windows XP install that I've disabled ethernet/LAN drivers to keep it offline. I want to start moving my XP games from my Steam library over there -- what's the best way to do this? I've downloaded Tomb Raider Anniversary off my steam library as a test and tried launching without Steam which it does not.

There are for Steam on a certain forum and they work well (SmartSteaEmu and Goldberg). Currently for other online store emulators the equivalents allow offline gameplay but not LAN like the steam emulators. (There might be one that does for Epic though).

#4 Cracks

Some of these use scene steam emulators as well as executable cracks. I went through my games long ago and got rid of the scene cracks as much as possible and replaced with SSE or goldberg or a combination of exe w/ SSE or goldberg.

Here this should save you some time. This isn't the complete list rather geared more towards steam emulators. Also the below list isn't XP focused, just a list of games and what's needed to run them.

Don't ask for any files, you'll need to find those yourself.

For Portal 2 (Build v7293 was last build I tested) on Vista and above I use the command "portal2.exe -steam", also drop the .dll in the bin folder.

As far as Goldberg version it shouldn't matter. I want to say Vista compatibility is broken but 7 should still be fine and I haven't yet had to revert to an older version of Goldberg to get a game to work (except for Vista).

I havent tried to re-activate a used product sold to me with steam but I did try with blizzard and they told me tough poop. In the US I wouldn't expect to get anything from the companies, but I don't know about where you are.

For the Original Half-life 2, the only way to play without using steam is the collector edition. All others version you will need use the Serial number + steam client. I got the 2005 dvd version of HL2 and never worked because you need install the steam client ( the older green one during the setup).

The orange Box is a later version.

The problem is you have a broken product twice over. One for the DRM, two because Episode 2, Portal and TF2 are broken on the DVD.

You can download the detonation release but the builds are older than what is on the DVD.

To extract the working products you need to use Phoenix and then use revemu to run the games without steam. (Revemu works all the way down to Half-Life 2 1.0 Build 2187) (Builds v5135 and higher are DRM free)

To extract the working products you need to use Phoenix and then use revemu to run the games without steam. (Revemu works all the way down to Half-Life 2 1.0 Build 2187) (Builds v5135 and higher are DRM free)

what we need is a crack that kicks the steam-drm out of the executables. for pc and mac.

i really would love to play and install the games i bought on my retro-machines the way I like it,

not that shitty steam that always moves to the next os after a view years.

TF2 has stopped wanting to launch correctly, I am unaware of why but clicking play in steam will result in it immediately quitting. The only modification I made to my system that could have affected this to the extent of my knowledge is that I replaced the file after following mastercomfig's instructions. However I do not expect this to be the cause of it not working as it ran great after making said changes for for the rest of the day. The next day however after updating some packages it failed to launch as mentioned prior. The game does run through proton but that's not ideal. In addition to running with proton I discovered that if I replace the hl2_linux file in the Team Fortress 2 directory it will launch correctly (although with noticeably worse performance).

Alright so my computer is 64-bit and I only want to use Linux to install Steam, play Team Fortress 2 and get that penguin item but It's not working out for me. The version of Ubuntu I installed was the "Wubi.exe" which let's me use it along with Windows. But when I get it up and download the Steam .deb file, it tells me "Wrong Architecture 'i386'". What do I have to do to run Ubuntu alongside windows without using a CD/USB stick? ff782bc1db

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