Teaching Kids To Read

A Proven Guide to Teaching Your Child to Read

We are all so very happy to see that the First Lady has made reading a renewed priority for our country. The literacy issue is a big one. Kids are being passed year after year and still not able to read in High School. One issue, which is quite evident is the incredible turn over of teachers. There is a 50% attrition rate of teachers in Five years. This is somewhat similar to Corporate America too, but why are the teachers who have studied hard to specifically become teachers calling it quits?

Well, one issue is the pay. Some say that if you count the three months off in summer for non-year-round school programs that they make great money for working only 9 months. Yes indeed this is a rational comment and is duly taken into consideration. Some say well, teachers get off early at 2-3 pm so they make a little less. Ah, but they have to grade papers and project assignments so this is not a worthy debate topic. In fact if you look at the pay rates teachers are underpaid and normally do not get advances in pay without completion of other degrees, such as a masters in teaching.

In interviewing teachers myself at coffee shops, yes teachers need coffee to deal with all those unruly, uncontrollable kids who lack proper parenting with 1.5 parents on average. The parents generally have not disciplined the kids properly, they expect the teachers to baby sit them. I have heard so many horror stories on the road from teachers, each year it gets a little worse in many regards. Almost all the teachers we talked to had taken their own money and used it to buy school supplies. On average and yes I have been taking notes about $1300.00, this seems highly unfair and totally unacceptable.

I propose an immediate account which can be used at various pre-determined stores for supplies for schools, Teacher approved credit cards. They can be spent in online catalogs for schooling, home depot or Lowes for project supplies, Office Depot, Office Max, Staples for suplies. The amount of $2250 per classroom over 20 kids. Fifteen to twenty children $ 1800 and Under 15 kids $1300.00 for such supplies deemed necessary by the teachers.

We are all for no child without progress and we ramp up the no child left behind goal, but some of are upset over the lack of money in the class rooms themselves, that is unacceptable and unforgivable and must not continue. We can buy more supplies for the classroom and teach everyone to read and speak the language, understand basic mathematics and learn proper ethics or we can pay for more police, jails and prisons later. It is our choice, if we fail to make that choice we have simply pre-chosen the latter.



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Reading Program Los Angeles, California

Reading Program Chicago, Illinois

Reading Program Houston, Texas

Reading Program Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Reading Program Miami, FL

Reading Program Phoenix, Arizona

Reading Program San Antonio, Texas

Reading Program San Diego, California

Reading Program Dallas, Texas

Reading Program San Jose, California

Reading Program Austin, Texas

Reading Program Indianapolis, Indiana

Reading Program Jacksonville, Florida

Reading Program San Francisco, California

Reading Program Columbus, Ohio

Reading Program Charlotte, North Carolina

Reading Program Fort Worth, Texas

Reading Program Detroit, Michigan

Reading Program El Paso, Texas

Reading Program Memphis, Tennessee

Reading Program Seattle, Washington

Reading Program Denver, Colorado

Reading Program Boston, Massachusetts

Reading Program Nashville, Tennessee

Reading Program Washington DC

Reading Program Fairfax VA

Reading Program Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Reading Program Louisville, Kentucky

Reading Program Portland, Oregon

Reading Program Las Vegas, Nevada

Reading Program Milwaukee, Wisconsin

Reading Program Albuquerque, New Mexico

Reading Program Tucson, Arizona

Reading Program Fresno, California

Reading Program Sacramento, California

Reading Program Long Beach, California

Reading Program Kansas City, Missouri

Reading Program Mesa, Arizona

Reading Program Virginia Beach, Virginia

Reading Program Atlanta, Georgia

Reading Program Colorado Springs, Colorado

Reading Program Omaha, Nebraska

Reading Program Raleigh, North Carolina

Reading Program Oakland, California

Reading Program Minneapolis, Minnesota

Reading Program Tulsa, Oklahoma

Reading Program Cleveland, Ohio

Reading Program Wichita, Kansas

Reading Program Arlington, Texas

Reading Program New Orleans, Louisiana

Reading Program Bakersfield, California

Reading Program Tampa, Florida

Reading Program Honolulu, Hawaii

Reading Program Aurora, Colorado

Reading Program Anaheim, California

Reading Program Santa Ana, California

Reading Program St. Louis, Missouri

Reading Program Riverside, California

Reading Program Corpus Christi, Texas

Reading Program Lexington, Kentucky

Reading Program Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Reading Program Anchorage, Alaska

Reading Program Stockton, California

Reading Program Cincinnati, Ohio

Reading Program St. Paul, Minnesota

Reading Program Toledo, Ohio

Reading Program Greensboro, North Carolina

Reading Program Newark, New Jersey

Reading Program Plano, Texas

Reading Program Henderson, Nevada

Reading Program Lincoln, Nebraska

Reading Program Buffalo, New York

Reading Program Jersey City, New Jersey

Reading Program Chula Vista, California

Reading Program Fort Wayne, Indiana

Reading Program Orlando, Florida

Reading Program St. Petersburg, Florida

Reading Program Chandler, Arizona

Reading Program Laredo, Texas

Reading Program Norfolk, Virginia

Why Read To Kids

Teaching Kids To Read

Best Strategies In Teaching Reading

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Teaching Kids To Read With A Proven Step-By-Step Method