Alternative Assessments for Students

Alternative Assessments at the UWI

The BUS and BGSR have recommended that no time-based, synchronous assessments are to be conducted. This includes the use of the quiz function for multiple choice and short answers. Assessments are to be constructed using an authentic/alternative assessment method and must cover a 2 to 7 day time span.

Alternative Assessments are a form of performance assessment which requires students to demonstrate their skills. Performance assessments that require students to do real-life tasks are called Authentic Assessments. (Suskie, L. 2009, p.25)

Assessment Resources for Students

1. Instructions for students to upload an assignment – Done (PDF and video)

2. How to submit a Turntin Assignment in Moodle (Video)

3. How to Interpret the Turnitin Report for Students (Video)

4. How to Create a You Tube Chanel to save your videos for class submissions (PDF)

Click here for further assistance on Turnitin