Maria Torres

Mathematics Instructor 

Cerritos College

E-mail:  Use Canvas inbox – it is the preferred method of student-teacher communication.

Course Enrollment

Unfortunately I have no control over enrollment or my roster until the first day of the semester.  

Your best chances of adding the course will be to add yourself to the waitlist.  If any seats are available on Day 1 of the course, I will add students in order of the waitlist.  If you see that a course still has an opening on the roster, but you are unable to add, please contact Admissions.

Questions?  Technical Difficulties?

Required textbook.

Required textbook information is listed in the Syllabus.  If the course on Canvas has yet to be published, then 

Issues with logging into Canvas?

You can try signing directly into Canvas at

If you are trying to log into Canvas and are redirected to the Cerritos College Single Sign-on Portal and need assistance, please email and/or visit