school Safety reports - reopening readiness and covid-19

Below you will find the COVID-19 safety inspection reports of NYC schools, as to their readiness to open during the 2020-21 school year, that were conducted by the DOE and/or UFT, prior to their reopening.

The DOE had promised to release safety reports this week ending, 9/4. As of this time, they have not released any of their reports.

Susan Edelman, of the New York Post, reports that the DOE may not release individual reports and opted, in lieu, to sharing "a comprehensive report, next week"

On Monday, 9/8, the DOE released building ventilation reports for many of their buildings.

The UFT had said they would release these on Thursday, 9/3. Some are reporting that they have received reports based on the teacher unions' 50 point checklist, today, Friday, 9/4.

To share a report with us, contact us at:

It will be published anonymously.

Uft safety reports

red marks reflect observations made by person who was part of the walkthrough. Says inspector did not accurately convey the conditions.