Extension extends university information and knowledge to local people.

A brief history

There are four main areas in which Purdue Extension provides informal educational resources - Youth, Health and Human Services, Community Development, and Agriculture & Natural Resources. Extension is improving lives by providing unbiased research based education. We believe that education leads to leadership which leads to community service and outstanding citizens in our community.

Purdue Extension is a partnership between local, state, and federal governments as well as the land grand system. It extends University information and knowledge to local people and serves the community by helping people use their knowledge.

The Cooperative Extension Service was established under the Smith-Lever Act in 1914 by President Woodrow Wilson to bring the University to the People. Purdue University, Indiana's land grant university, hired the first "County Agent" to serve Hamilton County in 1918.

Susan Peterson, County Extension Director, Extension Educator - Community Development, Extension Educator - Health and Human Sciences, updates the Hamilton County Extension Board on programming that occurred throughout the year.

Where We Are Today

In the wake of a pandemic, the methods of program delivery have changed dramatically. Purdue Extension Hamilton County is now working to provide in-person as well as virtual educational opportunities throughout the county.

The Hamilton County Teacher Support website has been created to support the teachers of Hamilton County by providing lesson plans and online resources that would allow teachers to use physical classroom resources, online resources, and guest speakers via video calling to enhance their student's learning experiences through in-person, e-Learning, and/or a hybrid approach.

Purdue University is an equal opportunity/equal access/affirmative action institution.