
Teacher Journeys 2021

In language education in Japan and around the world, almost every teacher's career path takes the form of a unique and eventful journey. We often take this for granted, but it is exactly these journeys, these narratives of teacher identity formation, that enrich our profession and serve our students.

Over the past ten years, the Teacher Journeys conference has traveled around Japan to highlight these teacher narratives. This year, following the model of Teacher Journeys 2020, in place of a face-to-face conference the JALT Teacher Development SIG will now curate a collection of videos sharing reflections on teaching in these new circumstances. These videos will be shared on the conference site from late summer to early fall. We would also like to include a written version of all accepted presentations in a special issue of the JALT Teacher Development SIG journal, Explorations in Teacher Development, to appear in 2022.

It is our hope and belief that the growth teachers are experiencing now will far outlast the pandemic itself. No matter where you are in your journey as a teacher, or how your teaching context has been affected, we hope you will share your stories of teacher development through these times.

Past Conferences:

Teacher Journeys 2020