Work with Efficiency Tips

Tech Tips to help make your work efficient!

Pin Tab

Pinning a tab, locks the tab so you can not accidentally close it out. It also moves the tab to the left of your tabs.

Duplicate Tab

Quick way to open the same tab in another tab

Split Screen

Work in two separate tabs at the same time, with the tabs side by side on your screen.

Shortcuts (Chrome/Google)

Many of these are generic (on a Mac use "Command" in place of "Control") and they are amazing. Start with a few that you will use often and keep adding more! See the tip below for my favorite one!

CTRL-SHIFT-T (Best Shortcut Ever)

Ever close a tab and then realize "NOOOOO!" Well there is a keyboard shortcut to undo this and make your day just a little brighter!

Just press: CTRL-SHIFT-T and it will pop back up open right where you were.

"T" for TAB so you remember.