The Market

The Market

There is access in the market to professional development resources, however, this is limited to individual company websites that have created resources for educators to encourage them to use their resource/tool. There is currently no site that provides all of these workshops/resources in one place. Rather than searching on Scratch and Hopscotch for coding resources, you can find their professional development resources on our website by searching the company name. With increased users to TeachEd, this also provides free marketing for those companies.

TeachersPayTeachers is a similar website for teachers to upload teacher-created instructional resources. In 2021, this website generated $84 million in revenue. 2021 was TeachersPayTeachers highest grossing year, demonstrating that the marketplace for educator resources, as well as, content creation, is in increasing demand.


Below is the marketing strategy at TeachEd:

1) Social Media: At TeachEd, we intend to tackle marketing on Social Media in two ways:

First, we will create our own Instagram account to gain followers, share advertisements, and gain traction about this new, up and coming site. Currently, TeachersPayTeachers, a similar company, has 607,000 followers on Instagram.

Secondly, we intend to reach out to specific educator influencers, and pay for them to generate ads and content to promote TeachEd. Some of the specific influencers we will be targeting is:

@applesandabcs on Instagram, who currently has 173,000 followers

@targetteachers on Instagram, who currently has 457,000 followers

@teachcreatemotivate on Instagram, who currently has 250,000 followers

2) Co-marketing: At TeachEd, we intend to compile professional development resources that have already been created from websites. When users access our site, they will find company resources, generating free marketing for these companies. We in-turn will meet with company executives to discuss advertising on their sites for free, as a method of co-marketing.

Target Market

The target market for TeachEd is K-12 educators. Whether they feel confident with content creation or not, there is a resource and purpose for all educators to visit TeachEd. The goal of TeachEd is to create a site with easy usability features that allow educators to upload content, generate a revenue, keep track of their sales and revenue, sell products, while also, having easy access to a variety of resources. By doing so, we hope to increase feels of self-efficacy in educators in areas they may feel depleted in, no matter the topic within the realm of education. We hope to motivate educators to meet their professaional development goals, and go beyond this by exploring new and exciting trends in education.


Our biggest competitor at TeachEd is Teachers Pay Teachers. Teachers Pay Teachers is an educational technology and open marketplace site, that allows teachers to create resources to buy and sell on their marketplace. Our competitive advantage is that TeachEd provides professional development resources for teachers. Two major issues that educators are facing are access to resources and access to professional development. Teachers Pay Teachers solves the first problem, and TeachEd solves the second. Another competitive advantage is that our website promotes the usage of educational technology and resources, such as Scratch and Hopscotch. Therefore, we can build strong relationship ties with these companies and use them as a co-marketing strategy to bring users to our site. For more information about Teachers Pay Teachers, refer to our Cube Analysis.


Teachers Pay Teachers. (n.d.). CBS Insights. Retrieved November 19, 2022 from