Thang Doan

PhD Candidate, McGill University

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    • September 2019: Paper accepted at CORL 2019: Leveraging exploration in off-policy algorithms via normalizing flows

    • September 2019: I will be starting my postdoc at Mila under supervison of Joelle Pineau

    • Summer 2019: I will graduate from my PhD in Operation Management

    • May 2019: I am teaching MGSC 695 - Advanced Topics in Management Science (AI and Deep Learning) for MMA students.

    • April 2019: Paper accepted at ICML 2019 on GANs: Multi-objective training of Generative Adversarial Networks with multiple discriminators.

    • December 2018: Paper accepted at AAAI 2019 on GANs: On-line Adaptative Curriculum Learning for GANs.