Nikolai Constantinou

Details and notes of import concerning Nikolai Constantinou, compiled by the secretary to the Constantinou family


Name: Nikolai

Surname: Constantinou

Pronouns: He/Him

Age: 21

Nationality: Cypriot Greek

Mr Constantinou has many likes and dislikes, owing to the vague reference point this document will outline. In truth it is an odd thing to ask, considering people generally like more than a bullet point list. However, if it must be stated then the following will have to suffice. Mr Constantinou enjoys breakfast at 6 A.M. which consists of croissants with various spreads such as preserve, butter or honey. At 7 A.M. he goes for a jog, usually along the beach, followed by a swim for a period of no more than an hour. Once complete he returns to the estate at around 10 A.M. where various activities ensue that are of interest. Art, piano, various sports. At 6 P.M. dinner is served, in which Mr Constantinou enjoys a blend of Indian tea with a choice of lamb, beef or a vegetarian option.

We hope this suffices.

In terms of personality, another broad category, many have described Mr Constantinou as sporty, intelligent and quite keen. He takes particular joy in swimming. There has always been a proclivity towards an arrogant nature in the man, akin to a superior like attitude. Which owing to his line of work is only natural.

In truth, he spends most of his days honing his abilities. Mr Constantinou Snr. has hired some of the best teachers from around the world for his son, exploring the avenues his powers can take him. A great gift and something he tackles with great pride.

He is most looking forward to what the Institute has to offer, headed by such a distinguished master in this field.


At the insistence of Mr. Constantinou please see a demonstration of the powers he possesses to the right of this text. The so called character is Mr. Kevin Levin from the children's show Ben 10. In truth, it is an accurate depiction. Though there are some differences.

Mr. Constantinou can absorb elements, such as earth, steel, wood or other such things. When doing so his body forms an outer shell that comprises these materials. A shell of pure titanium, for example. Though underneath his organs are completely unchanged. Of course, this means that turning ones "shell" into water is less than encouraged. As his body must maintain its form to survive.

In cases such as magma, it has been shown that as long as there is a solid exo-skeleton it does not matter its properties. Heat does not affect his internal organs. A peculiar byproduct.


Nikolai Constantinou is the son of Nikolai Constantinou, a Cypriot-Greek business man with a medical empire at his finger tips. The Constantinou Medical Corporation has its fingers in private healthcare all around the world and is one of the leading experts on the so called Superpower emergence. With its state of the art facilities working day and night to help people learn about their powers and abilities so that humanity can be better served by them and better understand what they don't have to fear. As the son of this esteemed billionaire, it was of no lost irony that Nikolai was born with such powers. Yet another blessing to the family.

From an early age Nikolai was immersed in his fathers empire, contributing to the business he would one day lead. One day help ferment into something even greater. Even as a child he would be seen wearing a little suit and tie by his fathers side in their Shanghai facility.

His powers never had a great moment of fruition like many do. They were simply always manifest. Though, of course, his father and the company helped move them along a little bit to speed up the process of their fruition with no adverse side effects. In his youth he gladly undertook the studies and experiments so that thousands more could be helped through him. And many of these experiments further bolstered his own abilities and powers, much to his fathers happiness.

As he grew, Nikolai became more independent from his father. As most boys often do. Pursuing his own wishes and dreams, particularly in the fields of racing and swimming. Such pastimes providing a calming influence. His vast collection of cars has allowed him hone his skills in this area, often leaving for weeks at a time on his driving escapades. Always returning when the company calls.

In more recent years, talk of the Damascus Institute has been on the forefront of powered news. When the Institute approached us we greeted it with caution, but at the insistence of Nikolai and with the influence of the so called A we have relented to allow this learning opportunity to have its say.

Rest assured however that Nikolai's first and only loyalty is to his family, and his company.