De Silva Theory Group

Department of Physics AND BIOPHYSICS

Group News

Highlights of my research students: Congratulations.........


1.  Martin Krementz 

Independent Research: Sticking hydrogen isotopes to graphene layers due to phonon-atom interactions.

2Joshua Hale  

Independent Research: Quantum filtering of hydrogen isotopes through graphene layers.

3Andrew Zimmerman  

Independent Research: The effect of light induced long range interactions on two component fermions on optical lattices and optical cavities.

4Andrew Liebig  

Independent Research: Physics of magnetic monopoles: Quantum Hall effect, crystalline structures, and monopole liquids.


1.  Drew Vincent   

Independent Research: Two-band atomic superfluidity in the presence of an orbital Feshbach resonance: Paper on ArXiv and on PRA .

2.  Khang Kieu        

 Independent Research: Pressure induced superconductivity in alkali doped fullerides.

3.  Peighton Bolt

Independent Research: Bio-energy transport in protein molecules: Effect of self-trapped exciton on transport mechanism: Paper on Arxiv.

4.  Austin Osby      

Independent Research: Phase Separation and Molecular distribution of Lipids and Cholesterol Molecules in bi-layer Cell Membranes: A Thermodynamic Approach within Local Density Approximation: paper on Arxiv; Paper on GJS.

5.  Vattika Sivised

Independent Research: Comparative Study of the Thermodynamic process of Linear Protein Folding using Statistical Mechanical Approaches: Paper on Arxiv.

6.  Jeremy Brackett

Independent Research: Competition/Cooperation of Superconductivity and Magnetism of "synthetic" Materials simulated from atoms and light (A Bose-Fermi mixture on optical lattices): Paper on PLA, Paper on ArXiv.

6.  Joseph Newman

Independent Research: Effect of Spin Fluctuations and Quantum fluctuations on Superconducting Properties of  "high" temperature superconducting Materials: Paper on PLA, Paper on ArXiv.