
Juna and Kay became friends in elementary school.

When Juna and Jacob were in middle school, their parents got divorced. Juna was ~11, Jacob was ~13, and Jess was ~4. John won full custody of the kids after fighting for it.

In high school, Jacob and Kay started dating and became closer.

In senior year, Kay and Juna stopped talking. Around this time, Kay tells Juna that Jacob was abusive in their relationship. Following this revelation, tension rises between Juna and Jacob & John, because Juna defends Kay. Jacob also starts to text Kay again during this time.

The summer after they graduate, Kay spends the summer at home with his parents, which is a very unhealthy and unsafe place for him. Given that they'd lost their chosen family and coming to the conclusion that things couldn't be worse at home, he comes out via social media two days after moving onto campus for their freshman year of college.

The events of the play take place during Spring Break of his freshman year of college.