Kris Bynd

Kris Bynd

Biographical Overview

Age: 221

Birthplace: Ident Village


  • Dick Bynd (Father)

  • Fate Bynd (Mother)

  • Anna Bynd (Younger Sister)

  • Ron Bynd (Younger Brother)


  • “Krissy”

Species: Mobian Lynx

Status: Alive

Orientation: Pansexual

Physical Description

Gender: Female (Transgender)

Height: 97 cm (3' 2")

Weight: 32 kg (70 lb.)


  • Pink (Main Body)

  • Light Pink (Muzzle, Chest Fur, and Inside of Ears)

  • Black (Tips of Ears, Stripes on Body, Face Markings)

Hair: Cyan

Eyes: Sky Blue


  • Magenta Jacket with Gold Collar and Trim

  • White Tank Top

  • Sky Blue Skirt

  • Sky Blue Gloves with Cuffs

  • White Leggings

  • Sky Blue Loafers with Gold Trim and Soles

Alignment and Character Traits

Alignment: Good


  • TBA

Favorite food: Macaroni and Cheese


  • Chris

  • Being a hero

  • Adventures

  • Helping others

  • Having confidence

  • Sonic and his friends

  • Her family and friends

  • The Resistance/Restoration

  • Video Games

  • Animation

  • Comics

  • Being a woman


  • Being teased

  • Being a failure

  • Evil

  • Discrimination and prejudice

  • Dr. Eggman and his empire

  • Being a man

Powers and Abilities


  • Enhanced durability and stamina

  • Enhanced acrobatic skills and reflexes

  • Enhanced jump

  • Hand-to-hand combat skills

  • Grappling proficiency

  • Grinding

  • Wispon proficiency

  • Whip proficiency

  • Acceptance Transformation

Moves and Techniques

  • Slide

  • Drift

  • Grind Step

  • Quick Step

  • Stomp

Kris Bynd (クリス・バインド Kurisu Baindo) is an anthropomorphic lynx that lives on Mobius. Born a male, she became uncomfortable with her body when she turned eighteen, and began to transition to a female. She started adventuring following the War, in order to learn more about herself and the world.


Kris is a male Mobian lynx, whose body fur mainly consists of pink fur, with the fur on his muzzle, chest fur, and in his ears being a lighter shade. He has bits of fur going beside his cheeks. Along his body as stripes, on the tips of his ears, and on his face, are areas of black fur. His eyes and hair are sky blue, with his hair being short, but wavy.

Kris’ attire consists of a magenta dress shirt with gold trim, which has coattails that make it resemble a dress, playing into his androgynous appearance. He wears sky blue gloves on his hands, with basic cuffs. On his feet, he wears gold socks, and over that, is a pair of sky blue shoes, which have gold trim and soles.



Kris Bynd was born to his father Dick Bynd, and his mother Fate Bynd, in the small beach-side town of Ident Village. Dick’s blue fur and Fate’s pink fur were passed down, giving Kris pink fur and sky blue hair. Kris’ physical appearance was also very androgynous. These traits embarrassed him greatly, so he took to wearing gender-neutral clothing.

The War for the Planet

When Dr. Eggman’s army invaded and captured Sonic, Kris was scared for his life. During the early days of the War, Kris’ father died, and angered by this, he joined the Resistance, hoping to defeat Dr. Eggman. (A Savior of the Heart)

A month into his service, Kris’ platoon was caught in a trap by a group of badniks. However, they were saved by a mysterious sniper, who avoided being seen. After this incident, Kris promised to become more brave, and hoped to meet his savior one day. (A Savior of the Heart)

Over the six months of fighting, Kris learned to appreciate himself, discovering his sexuality, and gaining many friends. (Mentioned: A Savior of the Heart)

After the War

After the War ended, Kris left the Resistance, heading home to his mother and younger sister. Coming out to them as pansexual, Kris decided to travel the world, in order to relax following the War. (A Savior of the Heart)

Kris heard about the Resistance disbanding, with Amy Rose taking over its successor, the Restoration. The Restoration was working on restoring Sunset City, and Kris decided to head there and help out. (A Savior of the Heart)

However, a group of Badniks attacked the city. The Restoration and Kris worked to fight them off. During the battle, Kris was saved by the same sniper who saved him during the War. Introducing herself as Whisper the Wolf, the two helped the Restoration defeat the Badniks. Kris then convinced Whisper to let him travel with her, and she reluctantly accepted. The two of them then head off to help others. (A Savior of the Heart)

A week later, Kris has had trouble getting Whisper to openly chat with him and others. Now, the two have travelled to the Westside Island’s Wood Zone, which houses the town of Knothole Village. There, they explore the city, with Kris dragging Whisper out of the shadows to walk around. (Fighting for Freedom)

As the two walk around, they notice a recruitment drive for the military of the Royal Kingdom of Mobotropolis. Leading the drive is Antoine D'Coolette, a member of the Kingdom’s Freedom Fighters, a group that fought against the Empire during the War, similar to the Resistance. Kris asks Whisper about her past, but she skirts past the topic. (Fighting for Freedom)

Suddenly, the city is attacked by a pair of thieves named the Morph Bros, who can take on the properties of certain weapons. Antoine sees the two standing there, and asks them for help. Kris agrees automatically, and Whisper agrees reluctantly. Kris, not standing a chance against the two, acquires a whip from a nearby armory worker. With the whip, called the OmegAlph, Kris is able to fight back. The two and Antoine fight off the Morph Bros, and they arrest the duo. Antoine thanks them for their help, and asks them to join the military. They politely decline, and the armory worker lets Kris keep the OmegAlph. With the situation solved, the duo head off. (Fighting for Freedom)




Before the War, Kris was very introverted, due to being embarrassed over his androgynous appearance and his fur color.

Following the War, Kris became a more proud person, having accepted his appearance. He also realized he was pansexual, and is openly attracted to anyone, no matter their gender. Kris is a kind, caring person who loves to make friends. However, he sometimes is still nervous around people, though this is due to him being used to being alone.

Powers and Abilities

Before the War, Kris was a below-average male, being bullied most of his life. After the War, though, he had gone through some battles, allowing him to become a capable fighter.

Equipment and Weapons

During the War, Kris tended to use a variety of Wispons. He most often would use Lightning and Drill Wispons.

During the battle against the Morph Bros in Knothole Village, Kris acquired a whip from a nearby armory worker, called the OmegaAlph. After the battle, the worker let Kris keep it, and it would soon become his signature weapon.


Kris has a severe case of trypanophobia, the fear of medical needles, aka shots. Whenever he hears the word, he starts to feel uncomfortable. When he sees one, he freezes up instantly.


Whisper the Wolf

Kris was saved by Whisper not long into his service in the Resistance, when his platoon was caught in a trap. He remembered being saved, and hoped to meet them and thank them in person.

Months later, Kris was helping the Restoration fix up Sunset City, when a horde of Badniks attacked. Kris then was rescued once again by the mysterious savior, and he followed her. The savior, Whisper, was a lone wolf who was anti-social. Kris understood her feelings, and he convinced her to let him tag along with her. She reluctantly accepted, and the two formed a partnership. Eventually, the two fell for each other, and became a couple.


  • Whisper the Wolf (Girlfriend)

  • The Resistance (disbanded)

    • Sonic the Hedgehog

    • The Restoration

      • Miles “Tails” Prower

      • Knuckles the Echidna

      • Amy Rose (leader)

      • Team Dark

        • Shadow the Hedgehog

        • Rouge the Bat

        • E-123 Omega

      • Chaotix Detective Agency

        • Espio the Chameleon

        • Vector the Crocodile

        • Charmy Bee

      • Silver the Hedgehog

      • “Buddy” / “Avatar”

  • Cream the Rabbit

  • Cheese the Chao

  • Chocola the Chao

  • Vanilla the Rabbit

  • Gemerl

  • Tangle the Lemur

  • Wisps


  • Eggman Empire

    • Dr. Ivo “Eggman” Robotnik

    • Orbot

    • Cubot

    • Infinite

    • Metal Sonic

  • Deadly Six

    • Zavok

    • Master Zik

    • Zazz

    • Zeena

    • Zomom

    • Zor

  • Mimic