Network Optimization

This page provides the materials and video tutorials for the network optimization section of the course. You can increase the quality of the video by clicking on the gear button of the video.

Network Optimization Video Tutorial 1 (by Sarah Nurre): Applying Dijkstra’s Algorithm to Solve a Shortest Path Problem

This video was created by Sarah Nurre. It focuses on how to apply Dijkstra’s Algorithm in order to determine the shortest path from an origin to a destination node in a network. It takes inspiration from the song ‘Meet in the Middle’ and helps get a person to the Georgia Pine. The network used in this problem, where we want to find the shortest path from the woman to the Georgia Pine, is available here: Shortest Path Example.

Network Optimization Video Tutorial 2 (by Thomas Sharkey): Applying the Augmenting Path Algorithm to Solve a Maximum Flow Problem

This video was created by Thomas Sharkey. It focuses on how to apply the augmenting path algorithm in order to determine the maximum flow from a source node to a sink node in a network. The description of the problem is available here: Maximum Flow Example.

Network Optimization Video Tutorial 3 (by Thomas Sharkey): Modeling a Golf Team Assignment as a Transportation Problem

This video was created by Thomas Sharkey. It focuses on how to model a problem of assigning golfers to courses during an invitational tournament as a true transportation problem (i.e., it satisfies all the assumptions of the problem). The description of the application is available here: The Bethpage Invitational Golf Tournament Problem.

Network Optimization Video Tutorial 4 (by Thomas Sharkey): Applying Prim's Algorithm to Solve a Minimum Spanning Tree Problem

This video was created by Thomas Sharkey. It focuses on how to apply Prim's algorithm to determine the minimum spanning tree in a network. The description of the problem is available here: Minimum Spanning Tree Example.