International Film Club

Experience and explore award-winning cinema from around the world.

Find us at 3062 Lindberg Rd., West Lafayette, IN 47906


Adults (18+) are invited to join Tara Saunders, on a monthly basis, to screen and discuss a thoughtfully curated lineup of exceptional stories written, acted, filmed, and produced by some of the greatest talents in world. These are free events open to the public. There is no need to register and you can pick and choose which months to attend.

Click on the country names in the navigation menu to find more about the film associated with each place.

Please call (765) 463-5893 or email

Each page will include some fast facts about the country or countries where the monthly featured film was produced as well as some facts about the topic(s) of the movie.

A curated list of fiction and nonfiction materials will help you continue to discover more about the featured country.

Check out the additional resources list for more ways to discover even more about the featured movie, culture, and themes presented.