I built tcp client/server application for my organisation. The server opens and listens to a specific port, and each client establishes Tcp Connection to the server port. Nothing special. The application works beautifully. But today, one client wanted the Tcp client app to work over WiFi network with firewall. The WiFi firewall is configured to block all ports by default. If I want my application to work, I have to give their network administrator a list of ports to open for my application. The server listening port is configurable so it is easy. Once I configure the port, I can give them is this specific port for the server. However the client app is unable to connect to the server because each time a TcpClient establishes a connection, it creates a random local Tcp port that will be blocked by their firewall.

The Dns class provides domain-name services to apps that use TCP/IP internet services. The GetHostEntryAsync method queries a DNS server to map a user-friendly domain name (such as "host.contoso.com") to a numeric Internet address (such as GetHostEntryAsync returns a Task that when awaited contains a list of addresses and aliases for the requested name. In most cases, you can use the first address returned in the AddressList array. The following code gets an IPAddress containing the IP address for the server host.contoso.com.

Tcpclient Server Download

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The TcpClient class provides TCP services at a higher level of abstraction than the Socket class. TcpClient is used to create a client connection to a remote host. Knowing how to get an IPEndPoint, let's assume you have an IPAddress to pair with your desired port number. The following example demonstrates setting up a TcpClient to connect to a time server on TCP port 13:

When sending and receiving messages, the Encoding should be known ahead of time to both server and client. For example, if the server communicates using ASCIIEncoding but the client attempts to use UTF8Encoding, the messages will be malformed.

The following example demonstrates creating a network time server using a TcpListener to monitor TCP port 13. When an incoming connection request is accepted, the time server responds with the current date and time from the host server.

I have an application that uses TcpClient and TcpListener to communicate over the network. However, when I call TcpClient.Close on the client to disconnect it from the server, the server doesn't react at all.

The code is nothing noteworthy, just a Disconnect method in the client that resets all of the variables for reuse, and closes all network resources. The server has a loop that checks if TcpClient.Connected is true or not, and if it's false, it's supposed to jump out of the loop and terminate the thread.

If you call Close() on the client side, nothing is sent to the server to tell it that its closing, it literally just closes it self so that the client can't use it any more. The only reliable way to determine if you're still connected is to try to send data and handle the failure. If you want you could implement your own handshake agreement where when you call Close() you send a special notification to the server alerting it to the fact but there will still be times when that packet never reaches the server.

Compile the server and client programs separately. Before compiling change the IP address in both programs to match that of your machine (NOTE : to get your IP address run 'ipconfig' from the command prompt in Windows NT/2000 m/c's)

The client can be either run from the same machine as the server or from a different machine. If run from a different machine then a network connection should exist between the machines running the server and client programs

If we are creating a connection between client and server using TCP then it has a few functionalities like, TCP is suited for applications that require high reliability, and transmission time is relatively less critical. It is used by other protocols like HTTP, HTTPs, FTP, SMTP, Telnet. TCP rearranges data packets in the order specified. There is absolute guarantee that the data transferred remains intact and arrives in the same order in which it was sent. TCP does Flow Control and requires three packets to set up a socket connection before any user data can be sent. TCP handles reliability and congestion control. It also does error checking and error recovery. Erroneous packets are retransmitted from the source to the destination.

A tcpclient object represents a connection to a remote host and remote port from MATLAB to read and write data. The remote host can be a server or hardware that supports TCP/IP communication, and must already exist. The tcpclient object is always the client and cannot be used as a server. For information on creating a TCP/IP server, see Communicate Using TCP/IP Server Sockets (Instrument Control Toolbox).

t = tcpclient(address,port) creates a TCP/IP client that connects to a server associated with the remote host address and remote port port. The value of address can be either a remote host name or a remote host IP address. The value of port must be a number between 1 and 65535. The input address sets the Address property and the input port sets the Port property.

t = tcpclient(address,port,Name,Value) creates a connection and sets additional Properties using one or more name-value pair arguments. Set the Timeout, ConnectTimeout, and EnableTransferDelay properties using name-value pair arguments. Enclose each property name in quotes, followed by the property value.

Example: t = tcpclient("",80,"Timeout",20,"ConnectTimeout",30) creates a TCP/IP client connection to the TCP/IP server on port 80 at IP address It sets the timeout period to 20 seconds and the connection timeout to 30 seconds.

If this property is true, the client collects small segments of outstanding data and sends them in a single packet when acknowledgement (ACK) arrives from the server. Set this property to false if you want to immediately send data to the network. If a network is slow, you can improve its performance by enabling the transfer delay. However, on a fast network acknowledgements arrive quickly and the difference between enabling or disabling the transfer delay is negligible.

Set the value of this property when reading and writing multi-byte data types, such as uint16, int16, uint32, int32, single, or double. The value of this property must match the configuration of the remote host connected to tcpclient. The remote host or other applications might have a default byte order of big-endian, while the default value of this property is little-endian.

When you connect using a host name, such as a specified web address or 'localhost', the IP address defaults to IPv6 format. If the server you are connecting to is expecting IPv4 format, connection fails. For IPv4, you can create a connection by specifying an explicit IP address rather than a host name.

In my application the PLC is the TCP Client and the TCP server is a checker weigher which will send individual pack weights as they pass over its load cell in the form of 341.6 where 341.6 is weight in grams. Packs are weighed at various speeds from 30 to 120 per minute.

I have an existing set of Objective-C code for doing this, and there I just use raw BSD sockets. They're straightforward, and as this doesn't need to be a high performance server, I'm perfectly happy blocking: I just stick my code in an NSOperation, run it on a serial NSOperationQueue, and use callbacks to deliver results. Using BSD sockets in Swift feels like I'm fighting the language though: lots of dropping down into UnsafePointer territory.

This does in fact send the test OSC bundle to my remote server:port. The initial message is redirected by socat to the configured USB port, and my target device correctly parses the message, but the sketch then crashes, be it in java or android. Here is the java error that is returned:

I am writing a TCP client DLL which is designed to read/write data with my UUT (which acts as the server). I am using the CVI TCP library. Per the examples of the library, I will use a synchronous callback function which will process messages that I receive as a client. This callback function will execute ClientTCPRead() when data is available as seen in below snippet. As you can see, when data is ready, the read fucntion will store the data in the global g_recieveBuf array which is of type uint32_t. 

when it comes to large messages that I receive and due to other TCP timing issues, I will often need multiple calls to read all the data. I believe the callback will handle this case. The case TCP_DATAREADY will continue executing until all the data is read. This, I believe is the utility provided by this library and what makes it such an easy process. My question is how do I properly concatenate data into my global array across multiple calls? I don't want to overwrite my array each time ClientTCPRead() is executed. For example if one large message is being sent by the server and multiple executions of the callback function take place to read all that data, I want it all captured properly in my array as one contiguous message. One of my colleagues suggested using a List construct (programmer's toolbox library). I don't quite understand what those are or what the advantage is of using them but any advice to solve above problem would be appreciated.

The data coming from the server is in binary format. It's a proprietary message structure with a known header size. The header also contains a field that tells me the total byte count (header and body) of the sever message. Is there any advantage to knowing this in terms of properly reading the data? I'm thinking that it doesn't matter because I am using the in-built callback function which will always read data if it's available. So why do I care how many bytes are coming if the callback function ensures it will all be read and stored in my global array (or other construct such as list if I use that method). 006ab0faaa

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