You can create a custom numeric format string, which consists of one or more custom numeric specifiers, to define how to format numeric data. A custom numeric format string is any format string that is not a standard numeric format string.

Custom numeric format strings are supported by some overloads of the ToString method of all numeric types. For example, you can supply a numeric format string to the ToString(String) and ToString(String, IFormatProvider) methods of the Int32 type. Custom numeric format strings are also supported by the .NET composite formatting feature, which is used by some Write and WriteLine methods of the Console and StreamWriter classes, the String.Format method, and the StringBuilder.AppendFormat method. String interpolation feature also supports custom numeric format strings.

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The following table describes the custom numeric format specifiers and displays sample output produced by each format specifier. See the Notes section for additional information about using custom numeric format strings, and the Example section for a comprehensive illustration of their use.

The "0" custom format specifier serves as a zero-placeholder symbol. If the value that is being formatted has a digit in the position where the zero appears in the format string, that digit is copied to the result string; otherwise, a zero appears in the result string. The position of the leftmost zero before the decimal point and the rightmost zero after the decimal point determines the range of digits that are always present in the result string.

The "#" custom format specifier serves as a digit-placeholder symbol. If the value that is being formatted has a digit in the position where the "#" symbol appears in the format string, that digit is copied to the result string. Otherwise, nothing is stored in that position in the result string.

The "." custom format specifier inserts a localized decimal separator into the result string. The first period in the format string determines the location of the decimal separator in the formatted value; any additional periods are ignored. If the format specifier ends with a "." only the significant digits are formatted into the result string.

The semicolon (;) is a conditional format specifier that applies different formatting to a number depending on whether its value is positive, negative, or zero. To produce this behavior, a custom format string can contain up to three sections separated by semicolons. These sections are described in the following table.

Section separators ignore any preexisting formatting associated with a number when the final value is formatted. For example, negative values are always displayed without a minus sign when section separators are used. If you want the final formatted value to have a minus sign, you should explicitly include the minus sign as part of the custom format specifier.

In addition, if you use the CultureInfo(String) constructor to instantiate a new CultureInfo object that represents the same culture as the current system culture, any customizations established by the Regional and Language Options item in Control Panel will be applied to the new CultureInfo object. You can use the CultureInfo(String, Boolean) constructor to create a CultureInfo object that does not reflect a system's customizations.

One of the key features of web components is the ability to create custom elements: that is, HTML elements whose behavior is defined by the web developer, that extend the set of elements available in the browser.

In the class constructor, you can set up initial state and default values, register event listeners and perhaps create a shadow root. At this point, you should not inspect the element's attributes or children, or add new attributes or children. See Requirements for custom element constructors and reactions for the complete set of requirements.

Once your custom element is registered, the browser will call certain methods of your class when code in the page interacts with your custom element in certain ways. By providing an implementation of these methods, which the specification calls lifecycle callbacks, you can run code in response to these events.

Like built-in elements, custom elements can use HTML attributes to configure the element's behavior. To use attributes effectively, an element has to be able to respond to changes in an attribute's value. To do this, a custom element needs to add the following members to the class that implements the custom element:

Autonomous custom elements (but not elements based on built-in elements) also allow you to define states and select against them using custom state pseudo-classes. The code below shows how this works using the example of an autonomous custom element that has an internal state "collapsed".

The collapsed state is represented as a boolean property (with setter and getter methods) that is not visible outside of the element. To make this state selectable in CSS the custom element first calls HTMLElement.attachInternals() in its constructor in order to attach an ElementInternals object, which in turn provides access to a CustomStateSet through the ElementInternals.states property. The setter for the (internal) collapsed state adds the dashed identifier --hidden to the CustomStateSet when the state is true, and removes it when the state is false. The dashed identifier is just a string preceded by two dashes: in this case we called it --hidden, but we could have just as easily called it --collapsed.

After adding to the HTML we can use the dashed identifier added to the CustomStateSet, prefixed with :, as a custom state pseudo-class for selecting the element state. For example, below we select on the --hidden state being true (and hence the element's collapsed state) using the :--hidden selector, and remove the border.

In the rest of this guide we'll look at a few example custom elements. You can find the source for all these examples, and more, in the web-components-examples repository, and you can see them all live at -components-examples/.

First, we'll look at an autonomous custom element. The custom element takes an image icon and a text string as attributes, and embeds the icon into the page. When the icon is focused, it displays the text in a pop up information box to provide further in-context information.

In the above example we apply styles to the shadow DOM using a element, but you can reference an external stylesheet from a element instead. In this example we'll modify the custom element to use an external stylesheet.

Note that in this case we must ensure that the script defining our custom element is executed after the DOM has been fully parsed, because connectedCallback() is called as soon as the expanding list is added to the DOM, and at that point its children have not been added yet, so the querySelectorAll() calls will not find any items. One way to ensure this is to add the defer attribute to the line that includes the script:

So far we've seen only one lifecycle callback in action: connectedCallback(). In the final example, , we'll see some of the others. The autonomous custom element draws a square whose size and color are determined by two attributes, named "size" and "color".

Note that to get the attributeChangedCallback() callback to fire when an attribute changes, you have to observe the attributes. This is done by specifying a static get observedAttributes() method inside the custom element class - this should return an array containing the names of the attributes you want to observe:

\n Autonomous custom elements (but not elements based on built-in elements) also allow you to define states and select against them using custom state pseudo-classes.\n The code below shows how this works using the example of an autonomous custom element that has an internal state \"collapsed\".\n

\n The collapsed state is represented as a boolean property (with setter and getter methods) that is not visible outside of the element.\n To make this state selectable in CSS the custom element first calls HTMLElement.attachInternals() in its constructor in order to attach an ElementInternals object, which in turn provides access to a CustomStateSet through the ElementInternals.states property.\n The setter for the (internal) collapsed state adds the dashed identifier --hidden to the CustomStateSet when the state is true, and removes it when the state is false.\n The dashed identifier is just a string preceded by two dashes: in this case we called it --hidden, but we could have just as easily called it --collapsed.\n

\n After adding to the HTML we can use the dashed identifier added to the CustomStateSet, prefixed with :, as a custom state pseudo-class for selecting the element state.\n For example, below we select on the --hidden state being true (and hence the element's collapsed state) using the :--hidden selector, and remove the border.\n 006ab0faaa

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