Class Gift Info

Collecting Money For:

Class Gift: A Peace Pole to be installed on the TCGIS grounds. "May Peace Prevail on Earth" will be inscribed in four languages: English, German, Dakota, and Ukrainian.

Flowers (to decorate at graduation and then as a thank you to the office staff)

Reception Food 

To cover all of these expenses,
the recommended donation is $25-30 per family, please give as you are able.

Donations are being collected by Maureen Carlyle:

Venmo is @Maureen-Carlyle

Paypal is

Last four digits are 2460

If you prefer to give via check or cash, contact us and we will make arrangements.

The peace pole shares the message "May Peace Prevail on Earth" in four languages. English, German, and Dakota are three of the languages on the pole, and we are in the process of narrowing down the fourth language. 

It takes up to ten weeks for the peace pole to be customized and delivered, and so we will install and dedicate it when our graduates return for the DSD recognition in the fall.

Beyond the gift, we are also collecting money to help make graduation a special day for the students and the teachers and staff who've been a part of our kids' lives.

The money will provide food and flowers, and aid in the teacher thank you station for the graduation/reception.