In May 2018, the TCFD launched the TCFD Knowledge Hub in collaboration with the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB). Available at, the TCFD Knowledge Hub is an online platform housing relevant insights, tools, and resources to help organizations implement the TCFD recommendations. The portal houses over 400 resources covering governance, strategy, risk management and metrics & targets. Contributors range from nonprofit organizations to intergovernmental institutions, academics, industry associations, consultants, and corporates. Additional resources are added on a continuous basis.

Our disclosure recommendations are structured around four thematic areas that represent core elements of how companies operate: governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets. The four recommendations are interrelated and supported by 11 recommended disclosures that build out the framework with information that should help investors and others understand how reporting organizations think about and assess climate-related risks and opportunities.

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Following the publication of the TCFD recommendations, the FSB requested the Task Force promote adoption of the TCFD framework, providing further guidance, supporting educational efforts, monitoring climate-related financial disclosure practices in terms of their alignment with the TCFD recommendations, and preparing annual status reports through 2023.

While the TCFD recommendations may have started as voluntary disclosure guidelines, they are rapidly becoming part of the mandatory regulatory framework in many jurisdictions, including the European Union, Singapore, Canada, Japan and South Africa. New Zealand and the United Kingdom are mandating climate risk disclosures in line with the TCFD framework by 2023 and 2025 respectively. In March 2022, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) published proposed legislation on climate-related risk disclosures that incorporates key aspects of the TCFD framework.

The TCFD recommendations provide a globally recognized framework for organizations to disclose their climate-related risks, opportunities and financial impacts. While it may seem like the framework is designed to address climate risks, the TCFD recommended disclosures do span across the three pillars of ESG reporting - environment, social and governance.

The ISSB strives to consolidate and improve upon already-implemented international reporting directives such as the TCFD so that companies can align their disclosures to one global reporting framework instead of tracking multiple reporting guidelines. For example, the ISSB recently announced that companies must use climate-related scenario analysis to identify climate-related risks and opportunities and to report on their climate resilience. While the ISSB will use the existing TCFD guidance to help preparers undertake climate-related scenario analysis, it will also provide more specific guidance on which climate scenarios an entity should use based on their industry and jurisdiction.

The TCFD encourages organizations to learn more about its framework and disclosure recommendations, including its most recent status report (link resides outside The TCFD website (link resides outside also hosts resources such as case studies, reports, scenarios, instructional videos and more.

To achieve this objective the TCFD has developed a reporting framework based on a set of consistent disclosure recommendations for use by companies as a means of providing transparency about their climate-related risk exposures to investors, lenders and insurance underwriters. Improving the quality, consistency and transparency of climate-related financial disclosures will allow economies to have the necessary information to better assess the impact and effects of an organisation on climate change. Around 1,700 organisations worldwide, in the public and private sectors, as well as government entities, support the TCFD.

With Switzerland now a supporter of the TCFD and currently considering whether to make recommendations binding, companies need to understand where gaps in their knowledge are, be aware of where they are most exposed to climate risk across their value chain and begin the necessary steps to address the new challenges.

We help clients at all stages of maturity to design and implement frameworks that address the four pillars of the TCFD. Our offering comprises three distinct phases: Establish, Expand, Embed designed to be tailored to your specific organisation, and guiding you from your starting point to your end-goal.

Drawing on each organisation's already well-established reporting frameworks, this "how-to" guide takes the TCFD recommendations from principles to practice by illustrating what good practice could look like through the use of mock disclosures from across multiple sectors.

Given the speed with which regulatory requirements and investor expectations are shifting, companies and financial institutions can benefit from working with counsel to enhance their climate governance and assess their existing risks, opportunities, strategies and disclosures against the TCFD framework.

The Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) seeks to encourage companies and financial institutions to provide more consistent and comprehensive information on their climate-related risks and opportunities to investors, lenders, insurers, and other stakeholders. The TCFD's recommendations include disclosure of governance, strategy, risk management, and metrics and targets related to climate change. The TCFD framework is widely adopted by companies and financial institutions around the world as a tool for assessing and reporting on their climate-related financial risks and opportunities.

Today, there are more than 3,000 organizations that support the TCFD and encourage its implementation. Major entities like the G20 and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation are using the TCFD framework as a basis for their disclosure requirements.

The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is preparing to mandate climate-related disclosures from public companies. When passed, the U.S. will join countries like New Zealand and Singapore in ensuring their largest publicly traded companies disclose climate-related information in accordance with globally recognized standards, including the TCFD. Understanding the TCFD framework is crucial for any organization, especially those who are just starting their journey into carbon accounting.

Any organization can use the TCFD framework. The TCFD designed these recommendations to be applicable to all organizations in every jurisdiction. They also have additional guidance for different sectors.

There are 11 recommended disclosures under these areas to bring further transparency to climate reporting. The TCFD recommendations filled some of the gaps in previous reporting frameworks, focusing on the integration of climate-related information and financial disclosure in mainstream financial reporting.

Jurisdictions including the U.K., Brazil, Japan, and the European Union (EU) currently require reporting on TCFD recommendations in some capacity. Nations in the G20 and G7 also pledged to implement recommendations based on the TCFD framework. TCFD supporters span 95 jurisdictions across the world.

Many initiatives and organizations have adopted the TCFD framework and have collaborated with the TCFD since its inception. Entities like the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) support the TCFD by incorporating their framework into existing disclosure guidance, reporting mechanisms, and platforms. Below are notable organizations that support the TCFD.

Participants also received support from climate risk experts, climate modelers, and others to support implementation. As a result, UNEP FI has created frameworks, guides, and tools to help improve climate risk management and disclosure for this sector.

Organizations should first start by reviewing the TCFD recommendations (especially supplemental guidance for their sector). A general understanding is the first step before working on implementation. The TCFD also provides many case studies, online courses, and other resources to help organizations understand how to report using their framework.

Cue in the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), which in 2017 introduced a framework to improve public disclosure of climate-related financial information, and help companies better structure their internal approach to assessing climate risks and opportunities.

Governments around the world recognise that the TCFD framework provides the right setup to address climate change-related issues at both a strategic and an operational level. While TCFD-compliant reporting is still voluntary, the market is moving fast, hinting at a shift to mandatory TCFD reporting.

The TCFD framework aims to make the risks and opportunities posed by climate change equivalent to other enterprise-wide risks and opportunities that companies face. It therefore creates the long needed bridge between sustainability and financial/risk modelling.

The TFCD framework addresses climate issues across all levels of a company. The four pillars of the TCFD - strategy, governance, risk management and metrics & targets - allow it to be applied from the board level down to specific action taken at facility level.

The TCFD framework divides climate-related issues along two dimensions, separating between physical and transition related topics and between risks and opportunities. Doing so enables a 360 view on climate impacts and resilience.

We can learn a lot from the past, but if we want to tackle the climate crisis we need to change our thinking and look ahead - focusing more on where we want to go and less where we came from. The TCFD-framework took a huge step by making forward looking scenario analysis a key component of its assessment. 17dc91bb1f

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