August 31, 2023

1st TC2 Summer School on Deep Learning on Graphs

@The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Tentative schedule


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy

University of York, United Kingdom

Beihang University, China

Ca' Foscari University of Venice, Italy


The Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Campus Map

The seminars will be held in Room BC404

How to Apply

Research students with a knowledge of deep learning techniques and an understanding of basic graph theory should send an up-to-date copy of their CV to Dr. Luca Rossi, clearly identifying their area of research, publications, and academic performance. There are limited positions available therefore the applicants will be selected based on their CV. Note that we welcome applicants from all disciplines, including those who have an interest in applying deep learning methods for graphs to their specific field of research (e.g., network analysis, bioinformatics).

Important Dates


This is a free event, all selected applicants will be able to attend the School free of charge.