IAPR Technical Committee 2 (TC2)
Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition
The IAPR TC2 on Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition is one of the official Technical Committees of the International Association for Pattern Recognition. The aim of the TC2 is to promote interaction and collaboration among researchers working on Structural and Syntactical Pattern Recognition (SSPR).
Since 1996, the IAPR TC1 and TC2 jointly organise the biennial conference S+SSPR. The event is traditionally colocated with the International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR), attracting participants working in a wide variety of fields that make use of statistical, structural or syntactic pattern recognition techniques.
S+SSPR 2024 will be held in Venice. For more info visit the conference website.
We held a PhD Summer School on Deep Learning on Graphs on the 31st of August 2023 hosted by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. For more info visit the event website.
Find us on Twitter @iaprtc2
Open Graph Benchmark: https://ogb.stanford.edu/
Stanford Large Network Dataset Collection: https://snap.stanford.edu/data/
TU Datasets: https://chrsmrrs.github.io/datasets/
Papers with code: https://paperswithcode.com/