
Upcoming Events

Please keep an eye on this space for information about our next in-person event once COVID-19 pandemic restrictions are fully lifted! 

Previous Events

September 22, 2022 In-Person Networking Event- TC-WaMoDaG Rekindling

Topics discussed

Thank you to our sponsors: Ramsey County and the Metropolitan Council! 

January 15, 2020 Workshop- How Does Your Data Flow: the Sharing & Management of Water Data


Resources from the event

Event synopsis

Final flow maps:

Thank you to our sponsors: Capitol Region Watershed District and the Metropolitan Council! 

June 26, 2019 Meeting: Who are the Creatures in Your Waterbody?

62 water professionals from 28 different organizations attended an event focused on biology at Wirth Chalet in Theodore Wirth Park. Participants attended sessions on aquatic plants, fish, stream biota and habitat assessment, and lake biota. 

Resources provided by presenters

Bassett Creek Watershed Management Commission Biomonitoring Presentation

Early detection of Aquatic Invasive Species Presentation

Thank you to our sponsors: City of Minneapolis, Minneapolis Park & Recreation Board, and the Metropolitan Council! 

January 15, 2019 Meeting: Are Things Changing?

73 water professionals attended an event focused on assessment and communication at Braemar Golf Course in Edina. Participants attended sessions on best management practice (BMP) performance assessment, trends, and communicating science to a wider audience. 

Copies of presentations

BMP Analysis:



Thank you to our sponsors: City of Edina, Rice Creek Watershed District, Washington Conservation District, University of Minnesota Extension, and the Metropolitan Council! 

May 30, 2018 Meeting

64 water professionals attended an event focused on monitoring and field work at Hansen Park in New Brighton. Participants rotated among sessions where they tried out equipment, brainstormed ideas to challenging field problems, and shared success stories. The 7 sessions were: Manual Sampling Equipment, Water Quality Sondes/Meters, Level Loggers, Autosamplers, Stormwater Monitoring, Telemetry of Data, and Remoting Sensing/Drones.  Access to handouts from the sessions are accessible here: May 30th Handouts.

Thank you to our sponsors: City of New Brighton and Metropolitan Council!

December 6, 2017 Meeting

59 water professionals attended the official kickoff event for the TC-WaMoDaG. 19 professionals gave brief presentations on their monitoring and assessment programs. Copies of all presentations are viewable here: Presentations_Dec6.

May 9, 2017 Brainstorming Meeting

28 water professionals attended a facilitated brainstorming sessions to understand the needs for a metro monitoring and assessment  group, and to prioritize topics and structure for such a group. The outcomes of this meeting form the backbone of TC-WaMoDaG. A summary of the notes is available here: Brainstorming Workshop.