Tathagata Biswas, PhD

Postdoctoral Research Associate

1000 E 50 St | Kansas City, MO 64110

twitter/X: @tathabiswas

email: tbiswas@stowers.org

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Tathagata is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Rohner Lab at Stowers Institute for Medical Research. He is trying to understand how organisms evolve and adapt to extreme environments, using cavefish as a model organism. He is interested in understanding the impact of 3D genome organization, as well as the effect developmental innovations have on shaping evolution.

Originally trained as an engineer, Tathagata completed his bachelor’s in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering in India and worked for a short while as an Associate Software Engineer at Accenture. However, when deciding to join graduate school, he jumped domains to explore the field of Developmental Biology. Tathagata received his doctorate from IIT Kanpur, India studying embryonic skeletal development in the lab of Amitabha Bandyopadhyay, PhD. Thereafter, he moved to US for his postdoctoral research, this time as an evolutionary biologist, in the lab of Nicolas Rohner, PhD.