My Journey Abroad: Barcelona, Spain

Welcome to my Google Site, where you can follow my International Student Teaching journey! I will be posting updates and pictures throughout the whole trip, so stay tuned.

About Me

My name is Taylor Chapuran. I was born and raised in Lexington, KY (#BBN) but I currently live in Bowling Green. I am a senior at Western Kentucky University majoring in Elementary Education. I have always had a strong love for kids, and throughout my student teaching experience so far I have discovered that teaching is definitely the career for me!

About My Trip

I will be graduating with my Degree in December, but first I get to travel to Spain to finish up my student teaching. I will be taking this trip with three of my best friends from the teaching program. We will be teaching at St. Paul's Academy in Barcelona. I am so thankful for this opportunity and cannot wait to show y'all all of my experiences abroad!