Welcome. Thanks for being here! Honestly, it is odd to be here too!

Consequent to a very strange series of events that took place in our universe, we exist. It’s weird, I can’t explain it. But I try to.

Through my sprawling interests—spanning artificial intelligence and neurobiology to sociology and astrophysics—I seek to touch upon the humanity that unites us all and our shared desire, that which is encoded in our DNA, to belong and be a part of something greater than ourselves.

I believe that science is not separate from civic life but intimately connected: scientific understandings can be leveraged to inspire and incite a greater public conscience. I feel that civility, in our world of cultural and technological change, is about cultivating opportunities and creating possibilities for living forward and more informed together.

Currently a freshman at Quest University, I am exploring questions at the interaction of my aforementioned interests.

I invite you to explore my portfolio and blog to learn more about the projects and pursuits I've taken in alignment with such interests. In addition, I send out a monthly newsletter—a ledger of my curiosity.

I love to connect with anyone and everyone who has an interest in interesting conversation. Please don’t hesitate to reach out!