Taylor Exum Studios

I always said art platforms have zero limits. There is not a right or wrong answer on how art should look, be conveyed, or interpreted. This is seen as far back as past classical paintings to today’s modern design. Of course, there are trends that find themselves as just that, however, that does not matter, because the sky is the limit to your design.

This is how I approached my work. Even though I am more than capable than creating a client’s vision that meets their expectations, I also take pride in designing work that aligns with my personal style. My work has bright colors and abstract shapes to create the space. One of my favorite aesthetics is Pop Art. Pop Art is home to psychedelic designs, colors, and shapes. It shows excitement, humor, and nostalgia. These are the type of emotions I want my work to evoke.


Vector Art

Astonishing Eyes

Vector Art


Vector Art


Vector Art


Vector Art

Self-Portrait Cartoon

Digital Painting


Vector Art

Self Portrait

Digital Painting

Taylor Exum Business Stationery