Tax filing

There are several portals through which you can apply for tax return and the tax filing (steuererklärung) some of which are : 

Elster : The official website from Finanzamt and completely free. 

Taxfix : A user friendly app is available and can be done in German or in English. However it costs currently around 40

Smartsteuer : Can do the tax return for 5 people including family and/or friends for around 40

Steuergo : The website interface isn't the best but still okay. Costs around 35 €

First Step

Collect data and keep all relevant receipts 

The most important document is the  Lohnsteuerbescheinigung for the relevant year

Second Step

Fill out the forms in the web portals/apps 

Third Step

Submit your tax return and wait for the tax return

All done !! 

Enjoy your tax return !!

Helpful Tips :