Personal research funding:

Travel grants:

Participation to Research Projects:

PIs: Prof. C. Budd & Dr. M. Ehrhardt (University of Bath), Prof. C. Schönlieb & Prof. R. Nickl (University of Cambridge), Prof. S. Arridge & Prof. Bangti Jin (UCL).  My role: domain expert. 

        Director: Academy Prof. Matti Lassas.    My role: tomography expert in team Prof. M. Lassas and Prof. S. Siltanen (University of Helsinki).

        PI: Prof. Samuli Siltanen.     My role: shearlet-based regularization expert.

        PI: Prof. Miika Nieminen (University of Oulu). Local coordinator: Prof. S. Siltanen (University of Helsinki).   My role: collaborator as limited data tomography expert.

        Director: Academy Prof. Matti Lassas.  My role: tomography expert in team Prof. M. Lassas and Prof. S. Siltanen (University of Helsinki).

       PI: Prof. Miika Nieminen (University of Oulu). Local coordinator: Prof. S. Siltanen (University of Helsinki).

        PI: Prof. A. Chiuso (University of Padova).  Local coordinator: Dott. Silvia Bonettini (University of Ferrara).