Journal Publications

The use of alternative fuels to mitigate climate change impacts in the transportation sector in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Transportation Research Procedia, Volume 62, 2022, Pages 752-759

(with Patrícia Baptista, Carlos A. Santos Silva, Luan Santos)

Assessment of decarbonization alternatives for passenger transportation in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2022, 103, 103161

(with Patrícia Baptista, Carlos A. Santos Silva, Luan Santos)

Climate Change Mitigation Policies in the Transportation Sector in Rio de Janeiro

Environments, 2020, 7 (11): 99

(with Patrícia Baptista, Carlos A. Santos Silva, Luan Santos)

Evaluating regulatory strategies for mitigating hydrological risk in Brazil through diversification of its electricity mix

Energy Policy, 128 (2019), pp. 393–401

(with Maria Augusta Paim et al.)

Other Publications

The Contribution of New Mobility Technologies and Services to Climate Change Mitigation and Economic Welfare

Article presented at the 1st IAEE Online Conference, 06/2021

(with Patrícia Baptista, Carlos A. Santos Silva, Luan Santos)

Geopolitics of Renewables: A New Dawn is Coming. Will Brazil be a Pioneer?

Book chapter in Natural Resources and Policy Choices In Latin America. 2020. Regional Programme Energy Security and Climate Change in Latin America (ELKA), Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS). São Paulo, SP – Brazil. ISBN 978-65-990084-6-7

Leapfrogging Natural Gas in the Energy Transition: More Renewables, More Technology and More Stranded Assets

Geopolitics of Energy: Volume 40, Issue 7&8, Canadian Energy Research Institute, Calgary, 08/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado)

Parallels of energy transition, security and diversification in Brazil and Oklahoma

EUCERS Newsletter: Issue 74, European Centre for Energy and Resource Security, King’s College, London, 04/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado)

Brazil: Climate Change Goals and Energy Choices

Geopolitics of Energy: Volume 40, Issue 3, Canadian Energy Research Institute, Calgary, 03/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado and Mariana Weiss)

Electric Vehicles

FGV Energia Booklets, Rio de Janeiro, 05/2017

(with Fernanda Delgado et al.)

Comparing Energy Transition Determinants in Latin America and Europe

Article presented at the 6th Latin American Energy Economics Meeting (ELAEE), Rio de Janeiro, 04/2017

(with Júlia Febraro)

Distributed Generation and the rise of the Brazilian Prosumer

Brazil Business Brief, Vol. 19, Number 56, 09/2016

A Comparative Analysis of Energy Transition in Latin America and Europe

Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS), 08/2016

(with Lavínia Hollanda et al.)

Other Publications (in Portuguese)

Perspectivas para aplicação do hidrogênio verde na descarbonização da América Latina e Caribe

Ensaio Energético, 22 de março, 2021

(with Carolina Grottera)

Contribuição de veículos elétricos e precificação de carbono na redução das emissões de veículos leves de passageiros no Estado do Rio de Janeiro

Ensaio Energético, 05 de março, 2021

Impacto dos veículos elétricos na demanda de petróleo brasileira

Article presented at the Rio Oil & Gas Conference, Rio de Janeiro, 09/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado et. al)

Concorrência interenergética e intermodal no setor de transportes: possibilidades para o Brasil

Opinião FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 07/2018

(with Tamar Roitman)

O papel da regionalização na integração das energias renováveis

Opinião FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 05/2018

A Geopolítica das Energias Renováveis: Considerações Iniciais

Opinião FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 03/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado and Mariana Weiss)

Transição Energética: Califórnia Style

Opinião FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 01/2018

(with Fernanda Delgado)

Recarga de Veículos Elétricos: O Que Esperar Quando o Combustível dos Nossos Carros For a Eletricidade?

Opinião FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 12/2017

Carros Elétricos

Cadernos FGV Energia, Rio de Janeiro, 05/2017

(with Fernanda Delgado et al.)

Recursos Energéticos Distribuidos

Cadernos FGV Energia, 05/2016

(with Lavínia Hollanda and Paulo Cunha)

A "Uberização" do Setor de Energia Elétrica

Conjuntura Econômica, 03/2016

(with Lavínia Hollanda)

Relatório - Arranjo básico de investimentos necessários para a implementação da iNDC do Brasil: Setor Elétrico

Ministério do Meio Ambiente e Banco Interamericano de Desenvolvimento, Brasília, 2016, 106 - 125

(with Júlia Febraro et. al)