Main projects

POeTiSA: POrtuguese processing - Towards Syntactic Analysis and parsing - a long term project that aims at growing syntax-based resources and developing related tools and applications for Brazilian Portuguese language, looking to achieve world state-of-the-art results in this area

OPINANDO: Opinion Mining for Portuguese Concept-based Approaches and Beyond (finished) - investigation of issues of concept-level analysis for the Brazilian Portuguese language

sucinto - summarization for clever information access (finished) - investigation and exploration of multi-document summarization strategies for providing a more feasible and intelligent access to on-line information from news agencies

sustento - Generating Linguistic Knowledge for Multi-document Summarization (finished) - a long term research project that aimed at generating knowledge to provide more linguistic-motivated strategies for multi-document automatic summarization of texts in the Brazilian Portuguese language

PROSA - Processamento Semântico de Textos em Português Brasileiro (finished) - investigation and construction of semantic resources and tools for Brazilian Portuguese

PorSimples: Simplification of Portuguese Texts for Digital Inclusion and Accessibility (finished) - study and development of technologies related to text adaptation to promote digital inclusion and accessibility for people with low levels of literacy

Many other initiatives may be found here