Rarely Asked Questions

This page is completely new, so it feels more like those are rarely asked questions. I've divided them up into the two sections General and App-related.

App-related RAQ

  • Q: Videos don't play.
    A: In order to prevent videos from randomly playing on a website, some browsers require some interaction with a website before videos can start to play on their own. Therefore, after opening the screen.html website, simply click somewhere on the website, this is considered as interaction. Afterwards, videos will be allowed to play.

  • Q: There is a lag when showing images.
    A: This is because they must be loaded and it only appears when showing an image for the first time. Depending on your network speed, the lag can be noticeable or less so. One thing which helps is to show all images once before your event starts so they are loaded into cache. Then the lag should be gone.

  • Q: The app is starting, but I cannot connect from another device within the same network. What's wrong?
    A: The most likely cause (besides maybe a typo in the link that you've entered - check that, too) is that you have specified your WiFi network as public instead of private. In such case, other devices are not allowed to connect to your computer. Please read https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/make-a-wi-fi-network-public-or-private-in-windows-0460117d-8d3e-a7ac-f003-7a0da607448d to find out how to change this. Afterwards, restart the application.

General RAQ

  • Q: Is it free?
    A: Yes, of course.

  • Q: Your code looks shitty.
    A: That's not a question. But yeah, it does. Might get cleaned up in the future. For now it's just a fun private project which you may use or not.

  • Q: How can I run this?
    A: Please see the
    howto page.

  • Q: Which browsers does this run on?
    A: Honestly - I don't know. For sure the latest Chrome version. Please feel free to inform me about other browsers where it works, I'll update this. Obviously also feel free to inform me in case it doesn't work in some browsers. I might fix it, I might not.

  • Q: Which operating system does this run on?
    A: The main app needs to be run on Windows at this point (tested with Windows 10). With some (basic) Python knowledge you'll be able to run it on Mac and Linux. Connecting to the app should work from any platform, including Android/iOS.

  • Q: How does it work under the hood?
    A: There's a Python application (using fastapi) compiled to a Windows executable using pyinstaller which runs as a server (that's "server.exe"). The websites are mostly plain HTML/CSS/Javascript with a bit of bootstrap and jQuery here and there.

  • Q: Are there viruses hidden in the files?
    A: All files are vaccinated. However it's possible that your antivirus program shows "server.exe" to be problematic. It should however be fine if you're using the regular Windows defender as I sent the files in for a scan which they passed. Most definitely let me know if that's not the case.

  • Q: I found a bug. How can I let you know?
    A: Please write me a message on twitter:

  • Q: Can I improve this?
    A: Absolutely! Head over to the github repository and fork it to your likings: