Google Play is full of task managers for Android. These utilities can show you apps running in the background, kill running apps, and otherwise manage your apps -- but you don't need to install any third-party software to do this.

We'll show you how to quickly and easily kill and manage your running apps using only the software included with your Android phone. Third-party task managers are unnecessary and can do more harm than good.

Task Manager For Android


Task managers and task killers are often one and the same. A task killer promises to speed up your phone by automatically killing apps running in the background. It stays running in the background, automatically removing apps from memory when you're done using them.

However, we've already explained why you shouldn't use a task killer on Android and why you shouldn't close Android apps in general. In a nutshell, Android doesn't manage processes like Windows does. Properly behaved apps running in the background aren't actually doing anything---they just remain in the memory and use very little resources. When you access them again, they'll quickly open, as they're waiting in memory for you to return.

When apps are killed, they're removed from memory, and they take longer to re-open as their data has to be transferred from system storage back into RAM. This is why a task killer can actually slow things down. Android includes its own automatic task killer---Android will kill tasks automatically if its memory fills up and it needs more memory for other reasons. You don't have to install any software to take advantage of this.

Android has a built-in task manager like Windows that shows running services---it can be found in the hidden Developer Options menu. You'll need to follow the steps to enable the Developer Options before you can access it.

This is a great secret way to see all the apps and services running on your Android device. It shows more information than simply opening the multitasking view to see recent apps. You may also want to see which Android apps use the most battery.

To "lightly" close an app on Android, simply swipe the app up off the screen from the multitasking view. This ends the current "task" but doesn't fully kill the app. It's usually enough to fix a misbehaving app.

The various task management features in Android should be more than enough for most people. There are times when Android doesn't handle tasks well, but for the most part, you don't have to worry about it. Let Android do its thing.

Joe Fedewa has been writing about technology for over a decade. He has been covering Android and the rest of the Google ecosystem for years, reviewing devices, hosting podcasts, filming videos, and writing tutorials.

Joe loves all things technology and is also an avid DIYer at heart. He has written thousands of articles, hundreds of tutorials, and dozens of reviews.

Before joining How-To Geek, Joe worked at XDA-Developers as Managing Editor and covered news from the Google ecosystem. He got his start in the industry covering Windows Phone on a small blog, and later moved to Phandroid where he covered Android news, reviewed devices, wrote tutorials, created YouTube videos, and hosted a podcast.

From smartphones to Bluetooth earbuds to Z-Wave switches, Joe is interested in all kinds of technology. After several years of jailbreaking and heavily modifying an iPod Touch, he moved on to his first smartphone, the HTC DROID Eris. He's been hooked ever since.

Outside of technology, Joe is an avid DIYer, runner, and food enthusiast. If something piques his interest, he will dive into it headfirst and try to learn as much as possible. Joe brings that same passion to How-To Geek.

Use it for agendas, memos, shopping lists, and team collaboration. Schedule multiple reminders, view flexible calendars, set recurring tasks, create checklists, add tasks via email, and even use Siri to create tasks.

Pressing (and holding) HOME button doesn't open task manager. This is some sort of "Recent Apps" section which shows you recently opened apps. Actually it is a bit smarter than that - it can restore last visited activity, but since you have only one activity, this shouldn't be really important for you

finish() tells the android system that you are done. It is up to the android system to decide when to actually kill your application. It will keep your application around as long as the OS doesn't require the resources. For the OS, keeping your application in RAM is cheaper than restarting the app. This strategy is true for most modern OS.

Note that depending on what you consider the "task manager" to be, your app may appear there anyway, even if your process is terminated. For example, long-pressing HOME or pressing the RECENTS button brings up "recent tasks", which includes tasks for which the process has been terminated.

Super Task Killer: This tool is a bit more simplistic than ATK, but it offers a cleaner interface (see Figure B). STK handles the following tasks fairly well: Killing running tasks and apps, scheduling the killing of tasks, one-click task kill widget, and setting different security levels for apps or daemons.

Figure B

Free Advanced Task Manager: This gem offers far more information than the usual task manager. It provides CPU%, memory used, and size of application, as well as battery status, system memory, and SD card information (see Figure C).

Figure C

I want to open the Task Manager (recent apps window) by clicking a Button in android. When I will be clicking that Button, I need the task manager window (which normally arrives by long pressing the home button or clicking the recent apps button) to be available. But can't find anything on Web that is really helpful. Please help me guys. Desperately need the answer. I am completely out of idea about this.

Not sure which task manager you are using -- but some devices/Android versions distinguish running apps from services. On my Droid2 running Gingerbread, I find running apps at Apps->Apps in the "Running" Tab, while services show up at Apps->Active Services. Parts of Google Maps (which is the navigation app you probably refer to) are implemented as services, as e.g. the "location service" which keeps checking your GPS or Wifi based location in the background. I never used navigation itself, but I imagine this is handled similarly.

I think that you can call stopSelf() from onTaskRemoved(). There's also a severely underdocumented android:stopWithTask you apparently can have on the element to automatically stop the service when the task is stopped from the recent-tasks list.

HAXM is installed and it worked fine before. On checking the task manager upon launching the application,an emulator-x86.exe process appears briefly before disappearing. Nothing happens after that. Launching the program again gives the same result. If I try to launch the device from the AVD manager,I get the same result. I have tried using the arm images,varying the ram size,snapshot enabled/disabled,use HOST GPU enabled/disabled,system restarted,removal of /.android content,setting up the SDK in a different drive and deleting the ANDROID_SDK_HOME system variable and resetting it.

I have also tried with Genymotion. The virtual device window briefly appears and I can the see the android logo at startup but then it says "player.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience." I have tried it using both the Genymotion Android SDK tools and the custom Android SDK tools to no avail. If I try to delete the device it says please stop the virtual device before deleting it even though it is not running.

Right now I use Astrid as a task manager, since I can share tasks with our LoCo Team members and everything works fine. I use it with Google Chrome and Android, but I don't really like using Chrome for that.

My application has one activity which starts two services but does not bind them. If I select return button to exit application (I cannot see it in task manager), both of the services started by application keep running. However, if I goto task manager and kill application, both of the services are stopped. I am not sure if it is intended behaviour but I want the services to keep running even after application exits. Any thoughts please.

Please note that usually app is not killed until a user explicitly kills it from the task/app manager or system kills it due to limited resources, low battery or similar reason. I'm not sure if it's typical use case to handle such things and if you really need to care about that.

Simple System Monitor is, well, a simple system monitor. It shows a variety of system stats, including RAM and CPU usage, GPU usage, network activity, and some root options. It also includes a task manager, a cache cleaner, and some other tools. The CPU usage only works on pre-Android Oreo devices, though, thanks to changes Google made in the OS. Otherwise, it works quite well as both a system monitor app and a task manager app.

It is very important that my service stay running until someone with a password stops the service from my UI screen. My app runs great but it is designed to be turned on/off by parents (with a password) on their kids phones. I have managed to make everything work but the problem I'm having is that if the kid uses a task manager to kill my service then my app is useless. I would be grateful to anyone who knows a way to either

You can write a helper app to receive android broadcast "android.intent.action.PACKAGE_RESTARTED",when your app got killed,your helper will receive that broadcast and you can restart your app or whatever.

You can use Task Manager to kill off tasks that are hogging up too much CPU time or memory or that simply bug the stuffing from your couch. You touch items you want to kill off and then touch the End Apps button. The apps are silently snuffed out. ff782bc1db

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