Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Tas-Bih is committed to ensuring the privacy and security of our users' personal information. This privacy policy outlines the information we may collect and how it is used.

1. Information Collection:

We would like to clarify that Tas-Bih does not collect any user data. We do not gather personally identifiable information, usage data, or any other form of data from our users.

2. Data Sharing:

Tas-Bih does not share any user data with third parties. We do not provide access to any personal information collected through our app to external companies or organizations.

3. Information Security:

While we do not collect user data, we still take the security of any potential information seriously. We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to safeguard any data, even though we do not actively collect or store it.

4. Updates to Privacy Policy:

Our privacy policy may be updated from time to time. Any changes to our policy will be reflected on this page, and users will be notified of any significant updates.

5. Contact Us:

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our privacy policy, please contact us at

Thank you for choosing Tas-Bih.