"Tarzan Boy" is the debut single by Italian-based act Baltimora. The song was written by Maurizio Bassi and Naimy Hackett, and released in 1985 as the lead single from Baltimora's debut album Living in the Background. The song was remixed and re-released in 1993, and has been covered by several artists throughout the years.

The refrain uses Tarzan's cry as a melodic line. The song is rhythmical, with an electronic melody and simple lyrics.[3] Baltimora are often considered a one-hit wonder due to the success they experienced with "Tarzan Boy".[4] It features a melodic motif that was later named the millennial whoop.[5]

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In 1995, McShane announced his intention to re-record "Tarzan Boy" for release as a charity single. All proceeds were to have gone to the Northern Ireland AIDS Helpline and the AIDS clinic at the Royal Victoria Hospital in Belfast,[8] but McShane died of an AIDS-related illness in March 1995 before he could re-record it.[9]

"Tarzan Boy" was an international hit, debuting in the top five Italian charts and performing well in several other European countries, including Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and notably, France, where "Tarzan Boy" was most successful, topping the charts there for five consecutive weeks. In the United Kingdom, it reached number 3 in September 1985. The single had success in the United States (where it was released by EMI), with the single remaining on the Billboard Hot 100 chart for six months and ultimately peaking at number 13 in early 1986.

In 1993, "Tarzan Boy" was featured on the soundtrack of the American film Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III, both in its original form and as a new remix by Daniel Abraham.[10] It was released as a single from the soundtrack and would re-enter the Billboard charts at number 68 and peak at number 51 five weeks later. It would spend an additional 12 weeks on the chart, exiting the Hot 100 on 12 June 1993.

From January 2020 to July 2023, AEW wrestler, "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry used "Tarzan Boy" as his entrance music. As of the 2023 Major League Baseball season, "Tarzan Boy" was the walk-on song, or entrance music, played each time Mark Canha came to bat for the New York Mets.

(Black stage when drums start, light slowly comes up and apes come from audience and back into backstage. Shows father and mother and baby going from a buring ship to an island. The song shows the similarities between the apes family and the human's)

Kala: Tarzan? Tarzan? (Tarzan creeps up and makes an elephant noise)

Young Tarzan: I sure scared you, mom!

Kala: You sure did! Can't you imitate any quieter animals?

Young Tarzan: Aw mom, that's no fun. Wanna see me be a leopard?

Kala: Why don't you just come up with your own sound? (tarzan runs and does his signature sound and other young apes do it, too)

Gorillas: Kala!

Young Tarzan: (Tarzan runs into Kerchak) Oops.

Young Terk: Tarzan, thank goodness you're all right! Kala and I have been so worried. Thank you, thank you for finding him, Kerchak, you are such a wise and caring leader. (Run!)

Young Tarzan: Um...

YoungTerk: Hello! Are you thick in the head?

Young Tarzan: What?

Young Terk: How many times do I have to tell ya? If you want Kerchak to like you, stay away from him.

Young Tarzan: Well, thanks Terk. I don't know what I could do without ya.

Young Terk: Me neither. I gotta hand it to ya, kid. Hanging around a friend like me won't hurt ya.



Will someone tell me where I belong?

Where I should go?

Can someone tell me where I'm going wrong?

I need to know

Why would I hurt the ones I love?

Why would I hurt you?

If I can't be what he wants of me

What am I to do?

When will I be me

The son that he can't see?

There must be somebody who understands

Out there, somewhere

When will I find home?

A place where I belong?

Surely there must be more like me

Out there, somewhere

There must be somebody just like me

Out there...

(Young Tarzan takes mud and rubs it on himself to try to look like an ape)

Kala: Tarzan, what are you doing?

Tarzan: Why am I so different?

Kala: Because you're covered with mud, that's why.

Tarzan: No! Kerchak said I didn't belong in the--

Kala: Close your mouth.

Tarzan: Kerchak said I don't belong in the family.

Kala: Never mind what Kerchak said. Now hold still.

Tarzan: But look at me!

Kala: I am, Tarzan. And do you know what I see? I see two eyes, like mine, and a nose, somewhere. Ah, here. Two ears, and let's see, what else?

Tarzan: Two hands? (holds them up) (they put hands together)

Kala: That's right. Close your eyes. Now forget what you see. What do you feel? (she puts his hand on his heart)

Tarzan: My heart.

Kala: Come here. (He puts his head on her heart)

Tarzan: Your heart.

Kala: See, they're exactly the same. Kerchak just can't see that.

Tarzan: I'll make him see it. I'll be the best ape ever!

Kala: Oh, I bet you will!

In learning you will teach

And in teaching you will learn

You'll find your place beside the ones you love

And all the things you dreamed of

The visions that you saw

The time is drawing near now

It's yours to claim it all

Kala: Don't even think about it.

Tarzan: How'd you know it was me?

Kala: I'm your mother, I know everything. Now where have you been?

Tarzan: I thought you knew everything.

Terk: Hey Auntie K. You're looking remarkably groomed today.

Kala: Hello Terk.

Terk: Not the neck, not the neck, etc.

Tantor: Okay, it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye. Someone's gonna get hurt here, and it's always me.

Terk: Okay okay, you win, okay okay, you win, hello, down here, yo, yo! Let go!

Tarzan: Oh, sorry Terk.

Terk: What kind of animal are you?

Tantor: You know I've been thinking lately that maybe Tarzan could be some subspecies of elephant.

Terk: What are you, crazy? An elephant?

Tantor: Listen to me, think about it, he enjoys a peanut, I enjoy a peanut.

Terk: He looks nothin' like ya!

Terk: Okay, everybody, move aside, out of my way, best friend coming through. That would be me. And you, don't make a habit of that, okay? There are other ways of getting attention, you know?

Tarzan: I'll try to remember that.

Terk: All right, and I was right behind you...

Clayton: ...I knew I was born for Africa, and Africa was created for--

Porter: Clayton, Clayton, there you are, what is it? What is it? Are we in danger?

Clayton: I thought I saw something.

Porter: A hippopotamus amphibious, or a rhinoceros--

Clayton: Professor, don't move!

Porter: Oh, right. (Clayton fires a shot)

Jane: Daddy? Ow. Daddy, what's all the hullabaloo about? What is it, Daddy?

Porter: Shh, Mister Clayton asked me not to move. He saw something. Oh, I moved.

Jane: Uh, Mister Clayton, sorry, excuse me, uh, but my father and I came on this expedition to study gorillas, and I think your shooting might be scaring them off.

Clayton: You hired me to protect you, Miss Porter, and protect you I shall.

Jane: And you're doing a marvelous job of it, but we only have a short time before the ship returns, and you see--

Porter: Jane, Jane, do you realize what you're standing in? A gorilla's nest!

Jane: Oh, Daddy!

Clayton: At last! Our first sign in days! Do you think the beasts could be nearby?

Porter: Well, they could be. There's the evidence, you know.

Jane: Daddy, look! Over there and there and--

Porter: Yes! More nests! I see them!

Jane: Just as you predicted!

Porter & Jane: Family groups!

Porter: Oh Jane, I love you!

Clayton: Family groups? Excuse me, but these are wild animals that would sooner take your head off than look at you!

Jane: On the contrary, Mister Clayton. Daddy's theory is that these are social creatures--(Clayton fires again) Mister Clayton, please! What if it's a gorilla?

Clayton: It's no gorilla. Perhaps we should press on.

Porter: Yes indeed. Now we should keep heading west...

(A baby baboon appears)

Jane: Are you what all the fuss was about? Daddy, daddy quick! No wait, hold still. You may not be a gorilla but you are one sweet little--(Baboon jumps pn her back and looks at drawing)There you go, what do you think? (Baboon takes drawing)

Why you little--Well, this is absolutely peachy. Come to study gorillas and I get my sketchbook pidged by a babboon!

Give me that! Oh come on now, enough of this. I want this paper on the count of three. One, two, oh look, bananas! I can't believe you fell for that one. No, no, don't give me those crocodile tears. What would your parents have to say? (A family of angry baboons appear) Oh, you see? I told you they'd be cross. Go easy on him, children will be children.

(they chase after jane until Tarzan saves her)

Jane: Gorillas! He's one of them. Oh my---

Porter: Jane!

Clayton: Jane!

Porter: Jane! Jane, where are you? Jane, oh Jane, oh thank goodness!

Clayton: Good heavens, what happened?

Porter: Are you all right? We've been everywhere looking for you.

Jane: Oh, oh my goodness. Daddy, I was out walking. I was--little baby--little baby monkey, and I drew a picture. Suddenly the monkey starts crying, and I turned around and there's a whole fleet of them! There's an army of monkeys, a huge tree full of them, screaming at me! Terrified I was, terrified. Suddenly I was swinging in a vine, up in the air, swinging, flying, I was in the air. And we were all surrounded. And Daddy, they took my boot.

Porter: They took--those were the ones I bought you.

Jane: And I was saved, I was saved by a flying wild man in a loincloth.

Porter: Loincloth? Good Lord.

Clayton: What is she talking about?

Porter: I haven't the foggiest idea. Takes after her mother, you know. She'd come up with stories like that, not about men in loincloths of course, but--

Jane: Oh and there were gorillas!

Clayton: Gorillas? You saw the gorillas? Where, Jane, where?

Jane: He left with them.

Porter: Who, dear, who?

Jane: Tarzan.

Clayton: Tarzan? 152ee80cbc

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