
Upcoming Events

Faith Around The World

You are invited to join our congregation as we present the new Faith Around The World series which follows the Story of Redemption film course.

The Faith Around the World videos were filmed in locations such as Peru, UK, Israel, Croatia, Austria, Kenya, Russia, Greece, and Ethiopia. This series gives us the opportunity to witness how God reaches people all over the globe, and why it is important to seek Him wherever we are.

The new series began Thursday, 16-May at our usual time, 18:00. We look forward to seeing you every Thursday to share a few snacks and some thoughtful discussions as we continue our weekly presentations.

20.July.2024 Prayer Table

Once a month, you are invited to stop by the Aleksandri 1 building at the New Testament Congregation Prayer Table. We setup in front of the building from 16:00 to 18:00 for anyone who wants to take a few snacks and leave any prayer requests you may have. The next date for the Prayer Table is 20-July. We are grateful for the opportunity to meet you there, may God continue to bless you daily!

Children's Day Camp

See üritus on kolmel päeval toimuv päevalaager lastele, mis sisaldab kristlike väärtuste tutvustamist, erinevaid mänge, meisterdamist, laulmist ning tegevusi nii siseruumides kui õues.

Selle aasta teema on Suunamudija. Me õpime kuidas me teisi mõjutame ja kuidas teised meid mõjutavad. Me õpime kuidas tuvastada ja ignoreerida halbu eeskujusid ja kuidas jagada/olla hea eeskuju. Me vaatame Piiblist tegelasi, kes demonstreerisid sellised asju oma eludes.

Toimumise aeg: 13-15. august kl. 13.00-17.00 Tartu Loodusmajas.

Laager on mõeldud 5-12 aastastele lastele.

Laager on korraldatud ingliskeelsena (korraldajate emakeel on inglise keel), mõned laulud on eestikeelsed. Eestikeelne tõlge on saadaval.

Üritust toetab Eesti Uue Testamendi Kristlik Kogudus (NTC) ja tasuta.

Võtke meiega ühendust: või +37255965296.


This event is a three day camp for kids that includes Christian values, fun games, crafts, singing, as well as indoor and outdoor activities.

This year our theme is Influencer. We will be taking a look at how we are influenced by others, how we can resist negative influences, and share a positive one with people around us. We will look at Bible characters who demonstrated these things in their lives.

It will take place August 13th-15th from 13:00-17:00 at Loodusmaja in Tartu, Estonia.

It is for children ages 5-12.

It will be hosted by English speakers in their native tongue with some songs in Estonian. Estonian translation is available.

This program is sponsored by the Estonian New Testament Christian Congregation (NTC) and is free

Contact us at or +37255965296

Game Nights

We last hosted a Game Night on 01.May.2024 at 18:00. There are currently no additional Game Night events planned but we will be sure to update as needed. If you have any questions regarding attending a future Game Night, please email us by clicking here so that we can help you. 

2024 Retreats

The country wide retreats which were previously located in Kloogaranna near Tallinn were canceled for the spring and summer 2024 due to the land being sold.

In February 2024 we received notice that the spring retreat is now scheduled for 17.May - 19.May 2024 at Nelijärve Holiday Center. The summer retreat details have been updated on the Estonian Christian Parish of the New Testament Facebook. They are not extending the camp to anyone outside of the Tallin church this year.

Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns, or visit the Estonian Christian Parish of the New Testament Facebook page for additional details here .

Weekly Bible Studies

Every week we get together for men's and women's Bible studies.  Ladies meet on Tuesdays at 19:00 and Gentlemen meet Wednesdays at 16:30. For more details, contact us at our email address or message us on Facebook by clicking below.

Past Events

Marriage & Family Seminar

presented by Eric Cimuchowski

The Marriage & Family seminar was held on 21.May.2024 and 22.May.2024 at 18:00 for those interested in learning about marriage and family life through Christian values.

The minister who presented the seminar was Eric Cimuchowski from Victor Valley Church of Christ in Victorville, California. Eric was a missionary here in Tartu during the early 2000s and was excited about returning for a visit.

Everyone was welcomed to the free event, and there was babysitting available for those who chose to bring children to the event. The presentation was in English with Estonian translation.

Culture Night

NTC hosted Culture Night on 13.May.2024 at 18:00! The free event was open to everyone who would enjoy celebrating different cultures and learning about others through fun conversations. This was an alcohol-free event.

For those who chose to participate, they were asked to bring a snack, food, or drink of choice to highlight their culture. Clothing option was traditional wear, but this was optional.

Story Of Redemption

What is the story about God that Christians believe? How could a good God allow such suffering and what will he do about it? This video series ended on 09.May.2024, each week we discussed these and other questions with videos that included Estonian subtitles.

        The past summers were full of events. We had Let's Start Talking Campaigns, offering free one on one lessons in English and hosting culture themed parties for students and friends from the program. 

In the summer of 2023 we had a day camp for kids with the theme of firm foundation, talking about how we have a strong foundation when we go through life with God. 

Kid's Day Camp

Foundations from the Bible that help us in life with games, crafts, songs, and more!

Culture Themed Parties

Celebrating foods, clothing, and decorations all over the world as we share Christian values.