
Dr Tariq Elahi is assistant professor in Security and Privacy where he heads the Networks & Systems Security & Privacy Lab. He has made significant contributions to the fields of anonymous communications (ACN), censorship resistance (CRS), and privacy-preserving data analytics. Over his academic career he has developed his research agenda for the systematic design and analysis of privacy building blocks, systems, and networks. His work has identified system weaknesses and produced designs that have subsequently been adopted in the real-world. 

Dr Elahi's is Co-I in the UK's National Research Excellence Centre for Protecting Citizens Online (REPHRAIN) and is PI on a New Investigator Award, both investigating the engineering and practical challenges to embedding privacy into network infrastructures. Dr Elahi has also been actively involved in international collaborations as a member of large EU-funded international projects such as PRIME and most recently PANORAMIX. He was the co-chair of the PETS co-located annual Hot Topics in Privacy Enhancing Technologies Workshop (HotPETS’17, ‘18) and is the founder and chair of the Tor Research Safety Board; a panel of privacy experts that provide vetting for empirical studies on the live Tor network. Prior to taking up his current post, Dr Elahi was a postdoctoral fellow in the COSIC group at KU, Leuven, Belgium. 

Dr Elahi has been the recipient of a number of academic awards and scholarships, such as the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada's Postdoctoral Fellowship (NSERC-PDF). He also held NSERC Doctoral Scholarship, the Cheriton Graduate Scholarship, the Blackberry Graduate Scholarship, and the Queen Elizabeth II Science and Technology Scholarship during his doctoral studies. 
