Services We Provide

Up front estimates of what we charge

We provide free estimates for doing your taxes, preparing to doing your taxes or the other services we provide.  We think you will find us to be fair. 

Tax Returns—individual

Your time is valuable so expect us to treat it that way. We offer numerous options such as electronic documentation submission and virtual meetings in order to make things easier for our clients. We gather the information, ask you some questions and you go on with your life while we go and work on your taxes and then get back to you with a product ready to sign. 

Tax Returns—Small Business and Corporate 

Your time is valuable so expect us to treat it that way. We offer numerous options such as electronic documentation submission and virtual meetings in order to make things easier for our clients. We gather the information, ask you some questions and you go on with your life while we go and work on your taxes and then get back to you with a product ready to sign. 

We work with our partner to assist when needed for more difficult returns.  You always have the most experienced people helping you with your most complex tax challenges. 

ITIN Application and Assistance

An Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) is a tax processing number issued by the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS issues ITINs to individuals who are required to have a U.S. taxpayer identification number but who do not have, and are not eligible to obtain, a Social Security number (SSN) from the Social Security Administration (SSA).

We can help you get an ITIN so you can file your taxes and possibly get a refund.  Click here for information on the IRS website about an ITIN

Second Looks Available for Prior Year Returns

We can help make things right for previous year returns you have not filed, or amend a  return. 

IRS Representation Services

Click here to see more information on this service. 

Refund Advances 

No Cost Up-Front Services

We have bank products that allow you to pay for our cost to you for preparing taxes out of the money you will receive from your refund