
  • 'You' submit 'your' personal list, right away,

    • but what about everyone else?

  • How much time does the group have to submit their input?

  • TAPcollab includes a logical process-step timing solution:

    • always set by group rule

    • sometimes triggered by initial engagement rule

    • sometimes by non-engagement rule

  • All possibility is handled though,

    • so never does any process step get stuck in limbo.

  • New groups need not do anything to jump right in and get started -

    • because with TAPcollab -

      • there's always best practice defaults in place.

      • Just understand that TAPgroups can always tweak these defaults -

        • to better suit their needs.

  • Every current step leading to the next step -

    • has start and stop timestamps -

      • no matter what the group ultimately does.

  • Sometimes the process is just waiting for one person to do something to trigger the next step,

    • until this logical event happens the group work process waits.

  • The default trigger is two (2) participants engage.

    • Then the process-step end timestamp is established.

    • This timestamp is very important because it tells the solution exactly when TAPavatars are to engage.