
  • The TAP virtual world exists to create a venue for more honest important info.

  • The TAPworld is just one possible type of virtual world,

    • for generating and communicating info improvement.

  • Returning to the auditorium now...

    • The group that makes up the participants is NOT representative of a typical TAPworld group -

      • because this group formed out of the reality of today's world.

    • In the TAPworld, groups emerge and exist with much improved identity and purpose.

  • Critically important to the overall TAP solution -

    • is the structure of the TAPworld,

    • for where entities stand, claim membership, call home base and explore help to establish more honest identity.

  • In the TAPworld there are only three types of primary spatial objects:

    • 1) TAPpers

    • 2) TAPgroups

    • 3) space inside and outside the two above entities.

  • 'You' can imagine and picture:

    • TAPpers as cubes in 3D space

      • or squares in a 2D plane

    • TAPgroups as spheres in 3D space

      • or circles in a 2D plane

    • and the space inside and outside between the objects.

  • Think of the TAPworld as just a better venue structure for generating and communicating important info that you seek -

    • to help create improvement in your personal life.