
  • There's GREAT evidence in today's world that most people simply copy those that surround us in life.

    • It matters not the logic.

  • Socialization rules the day -

    • when it comes to humanity today.

  • We are simply doing what those in control want us all to do.

  • TAP & TAPable operate this same way, BUT...

    • the difference is who ultimately is in control.

  • Where in today's world -

    • money & power have the ultimate control -

    • with TAP, Deep Thought Leaders (DTLs) have the control.

  • Think of DTLs as:

    • Scientists

    • Engineers

    • Mathematicians

    • Technologists

    • Futurists

    • Sustainability experts

    • Balance experts

  • TAPlearning thus comes more from alternative possibility -

    • based on facts, science & reality -

      • than on selfishness, self interest & wealth/power objectives.

  • [maybe more coming soon]