Logical Possibility

  • A TAP case defines the group need. It has clear and concise context re intention.

  • TAPed (TAP Education) begins with TAP itself at the center of focus.

    • People want to better understand TAP itself -

      • because TAP exists to improve the world.

  • 'You' and everyone else in the auditorium are there to learn more about TAP & TAPable.

  • TAPed gets demoed with a particular structure organizing all things TAP.

    • Three (3) categories exist in the structure.

    • Several blocks under each category.

    • Several to many smart questions under each block.

  • The structure is NOT a static one -

    • instead it can change as time goes on.

    • But it is mostly static in the context of your group in the auditorium.

  • One of the first decisions you all need to make is -

    • which category you will start in?

  • There is only three (3) choices, but for a group of unique-minded individuals with different motivations -

    • there's always potentially other logical possibility that can and does emerge.

  • TAPcollab deals with ALL logical possibility!

    • Besides listing the three (3) category titles in the case-list -

      • also listed is 'Other' -

        • which gives everyone the 4th option of moving out of the category selection process step.

  • So imagine four (4) list items:

    • TAPcore

    • TAPsystems

    • TAPinnovations

    • Other

  • At this particular point in the day's session -

    • the group must make a decision of where to go next.

  • With TAP there's never the multiple choice option with the list -

    • instead every participant MUST prioritize all the options.

  • Of course you want to place 'your' top pick choice at the top of the list,

    • but the position of all the other logical possibility items -

      • are equally important.

      • Their rank-ordered positions really matter with the TAP solution to establishing group voice.