Group Voice

  • Imagine each different TAPgroup having a different and unique voice.

  • The group voice is NOT generated by a committee or a select set of more powerful leaders of the group.

  • With TAPcollab the group voice is generated automatically with a mathematical algorithm -

    • combining equally the input of each member.

  • There are two group voice types:

    • 1) Ongoing - continually changes in time

    • 2) Need now - for final decision & action

  • Any work-in-progress group voice can change at any moment in time -

    • as new members join and old members leave

    • or whenever anyone submits their personal input data -

      • initial input

      • or follow-up changes.

  • ALL group voices establishes group identity -

    • even skipping opportunities to co-create particular voices helps establish group ID.

  • Group voice is how group's:

    • plan

    • decide things

    • take next step action

    • set rules

    • communicate:

      • both internally with all group members

      • and externally to the rest of the world.

  • Like most everything done with TAPable, group voice is established by engaging in TAP case-lists.

    • Sometimes a single case-list establishes the voice.

    • Often times a series of case-lists is required to get to the desired output product -

      • be it decision, rule or action.

  • Now jump back to the auditorium 'you' sit in...

    • You are all there to learn more about TAP.

    • As one group with one group voice -

      • you will all decide together how this particular group will tackle all the possibility TAP includes.

    • The group will make step-by-step next-step decisions without any one person having more power than anyone else.