Agreement Quantification

  • With TAP, both types of agreement are always presented with numbers.

  • Agreement can be established between any number of minds that make up any size group -

    • two (2) to billions.

  • TAP quantifies agreement based on a one hundred (100) to zero (0) scale -

    • or a percentage scale.

  • Every possibility item in any case-list gets a number -

    • 100% is possible at both ends,

      • but only at the extreme end positions.

  • 100% simply means that each participant -

    • placed the same item in the extreme end position -

      • be it position #1 or position #last.

  • All other item positions get assessed relative to the top possible number, 100 -

    • so each number is in effect a percentage (%.)

  • Because agreement exists at both ends -

    • the TAP quantification solution translates a 0% value into a 100% value on the negative agreement end of the list -

      • so negative agreement gets expressed similarly to positive agreement -

        • just in a different color -

          • e.g. red vs. blue.

  • The net effect of the solution makes middle zone numbers approach the 50% range -

    • which intuitively makes sense to represent:

      • disagreement

      • unawareness

      • uncertainty

      • newly emergent possibility

      • misunderstanding

    • the middle zone of a TAP case-list is a great mix of concepts -

      • that minds have not necessarily fully considered or understood yet.

  • [more coming soon]