
  • re TAPable, TAPpers explicitly claim membership in TAPgroups

  • membership can be terminated thereafter at any moment in time

  • there is a certain type of group that requires an invitation prior to accepting membership


  • re TAPable, mirroring is the act of automatically copying one or more other TAPper's response(s)

  • a TAPavatar can be instructed to do this mirroring or a TAPper can initiate the mirroring her/himself


  • re TAP, misinfo(rmation) can be accidentally or purposefully conveyed in both the generation and communication of important info

  • it's the root cause of misunderstanding that leads to most of the man-made problems facing civilization


  • re TAP, a model is the entire set of systems, rules, processes, methods and understanding that make up a more complex thing like human civilization

  • when TAP speaks of the model, old, present, alternative or new -

    • it refers to the entirety of the human civilization (world) model


  • re TAP, a morph is an alternative way to represent something in infocomm

  • re TAPable the morph is the preferred form of presentation


  • re TAPable, a mostlike is an entity is is most similar to a subject entity -

    • be it TAPper or TAPgroup

  • a mostlike is opposite to a leastlike

  • see leastlike(s)

  • mostlikes and leastlikes are an important revenue-generating concept within TAPable