
  • re TAP, a special type of happiness is considered the reward for lifeform intelligence -

    • to encourage intelligence to pursue the primary objective of the entire universe


  • re TAP, harmful vs helpful is established from the perspective (or POV) of those of the distant future

  • with TAP, what harms them determines what is harmful in the present moment re decision-making and action to take next


  • re TAP, heal refers to improvement of health -

    • any health, of human - physical or mental - or ecosystem or planet (biosphere)


  • re TAP, help is something that does not harm those of the future

  • help is NOT short-sighted or selfish - even though there does exist the concept of selfish help and short-sighted help

  • today's world is overflowing with the wrong forms of help

home base

  • re TAPable, home base is the one position in the TAPworld structure that a TAPper presently considers the best place to declare to the world as their home

  • TAP allows any TAPper to change their home base at any moment to almost any position

  • TAP understands that real people flow through a series of emotions -

    • all the time -

      • sometimes wanting to be with other(s) and sometimes wanting to be detached from everyone -

        • and TAPable allows this


  • re TAP, honesty is asked of everyone, all the time -

    • when establishing self-identity and establishing case-list personal voice

  • honesty will serve the TAPper much better than dishonesty in the TAPworld