
  • re TAPable, gifting is the act of one TAPper rewarding another TAPper with TAPpoints -

    • because of achievement or simple thanks for sharing some creativity that is greatly appreciated

going (gone) inactive

  • re TAPable, going inactive is that near-future tense decision & action of leaving the game to one's TAPavatar

  • gone inactive is that present tense understanding that a TAPper has left the game to their TAPavatar

good governance

  • re TAP, good governance is a specific form of governance that refers to distant-future consideration of the humans that will inhabit the world then


  • re TAP, governance is the component of civilization and society that involves rule & law, group decision-making, planning, budgeting and action given time, resources and especially their limitations and purpose, understanding & beliefs -

    • given the very best, honest and truthful data and important info

group decision-making

  • re TAP and harmonious collaboration, group decision-making is one of the most important components of collaboration

  • with TAP, group decision-making is done without hierarchical leadership, debate or argument

guaranteed participation

  • re TAP, guaranteed participation is the concept and possibility that every member of each different group is always guaranteed the opportunity (potential) to contribute personal input into ALL the different work of the group -

    • including both group identity and group voice