
  • re TAP, decision-making comes in two forms:

    • 1) personal TAPper decision-making,

    • 2) TAPgroup decision-making

  • with TAP, decision-making is simplified and impacts one's identity far more than in today's world


  • Deep Thought Leader(s)

  • re TAPable, DTLs are the highest level pursuit of TAPpers - because of the reward, self-respect and implicit honor the position bestows of the DTL player

default instruction

  • re a TAPavatar, default instruction is what every newly created avatar starts out its life with - as built-in intelligence; it's response-only instruction

  • it mainly involves what the TAPavatar will do for the TAPper - when the TAPper is NOT active in the game


  • demographics are the primary way today's world establishes identity

  • re TAPidentity, demographics are something TAP encourages everyone to transition away from -

    • and instead to, as quickly as possible, shift identity establishment much more with psychographics and play activity


  • the term TAP uses as the opposite to improvement


  • development

dev team

  • development team

direct engagement

  • re participation in a specific TAP case-list, direct engagement, refers to one of the two ways a TAPper can provide personal input

  • direct engagement means the TAPper submits the data vs. the TAPavatar submitting the input data


  • whereas in today's world people tend to focus on difference with disagreement, TAP focuses on agreement and marginalizes disagreement by combining it with other concepts:

    • uncertainty

    • not fully understanding

    • unawareness


  • TAP exists to directly combat the all to prevalent dishonesty used in society

  • today's world actually encourages and rewards dishonesty

  • TAP discourages dishonesty by making it deliver disadvantage in the game


  • with TAP, disinfo(rmation) is the intentional use of misinfo(rmation)


  • re TAPgroups, they are said to dissolve away, disappear, from the TAPworld structure, any moment the number of home base TAPpers within, drops below two (2)

  • a TAPgroup cannot exist because of convenience - it MUST have serious backing to keep it alive in the TAPworld