Pre-reflection #001

Smart Question #0001

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:21GMT

  • Question: Why 'the alien' identity?

TAP Response #0001

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:21GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:21GMT

  • Response:

    • What might be the least politically charged topic in the world today?

      • This is what I pondered for many years and eventually settled on:

        • real-world aliens really showing up in our world.

    • I wanted this story of alternative possibility to be relatable to as many human beings, all around the globe, as possible.

Smart Question #0002

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:28GMT

  • Question: What kind of alien & from where?

TAP Response #0002

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:28GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:28GMT

  • Response:

    • Imagine our universe being comprised of only two different realms or subworlds:

      • 1) physical things realm

      • 2) non-physical things realm

    • 'the alien' is from the latter realm.

    • Compare this to most every other imagined alien,

      • that has been imagined coming from another world of the physical realm.

Smart Question #0003

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:37GMT

  • Question: What makes up the non-physical realm?

TAP Response #0003

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:37GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:37GMT

  • Response:

    • Thought

    • Belief

    • Understanding

    • Story

    • Facts

    • History

    • Mathematics

    • Aspirations

    • Solutions

    • Alternative possibility

    • Time/space travel

    • etc.

Smart Question #0004

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:41GMT

  • Question: How did 'the alien' and 'the woman' first meet?

TAP Response #0004

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:41GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:41GMT

  • Response:

    • In late 2018, 'the woman' found a contest posted on Freelancer.

Smart Question #0005

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:44GMT

  • Question: What was the contest?

TAP Response #0005

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:44GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:44GMT

  • Response:

    • It was a search for a special creativity mind.

    • One that was open to alternative possibility.

    • The challenge was to embrace a new type of storytelling -

      • and to create a story using the new structure.

Smart Question #0006

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:49GMT

  • Question: What was the new storytelling solution?

TAP Response #0006

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:49GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:49GMT

  • Response:

    • The solution was to bring together the story creator(s) and the story audience in a more real-time dance.

    • To allow the audience to influence the creator(s) by telling them where to go next with the flow of the story.

    • But no longer a linear one path flow -

      • instead multiple paths could be created.

    • Then based on the popularity of paths chosen by the audience members -

      • the creator(s) would find focus on where to go next.

Smart Question #0007

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:59GMT

  • Question: Who won the contest?

TAP Response #0007

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:59GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -13:59GMT

  • Response:

    • Of course, 'the woman' won!

Smart Question #0008

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:01GMT

  • Question: What happened next?

TAP Response #0008

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:01GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:01GMT

  • Response:

    • 'the alien' and 'the woman' became informal project partners.

    • 'the alien' needed a partner who could better communicate to the world.

    • 'the alien' would NOT comm with anyone else but 'the woman' -

      • and would be mystery character in the story to unfold in real time.

Smart Question #0009

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:36GMT

  • Question: Why is the partner person called 'the woman' and NOT some other more flattering title?

TAP Response #0009

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:36GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:36GMT

  • Response:

    • 'the woman' of course has a name, an occupation, a home country, preferences, dislikes, aspirations, etc.

    • This story uses that title because soon a new character will be introduced:

      • 'the man'

    • 'the man' falls in love with 'the woman' -

      • and this is cause of almost everything else 'extraordinary'

        • good and bad

        • that happens within this 100% true story.

Smart Question #0010

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:44GMT

  • Question: Who is 'the man'?

TAP Response #0010

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:44GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:44GMT

  • Response:

    • 'the man' is one of the most powerful people in the world.

    • Imagine someone who sits above corporations and governments.

    • I know little more about this person,

      • though I did attempt to reach out and learn more at one point in the story.

    • But never have we comm'd at the level (or depth) I was looking for.

    • The invitation is still open though.

Smart Question #0011

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:50GMT

  • Question: What happened between the woman and the man?

TAP Response #0011

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:50GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.17 -14:50GMT

  • Response:

    • 'the woman' rejected the proposals of 'the man' -

      • even though 'the alien' somewhat encouraged her to consider the opposite response.

Smart Question #0012

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:32GMT

  • Question: What did the man do with the rejections?

TAP Response #0012

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:32GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:32GMT

  • Response:

    • The man has not given up his pursuit of the woman.

    • But he has made life difficult for her.

    • In the beginning there were gifts,

      • but nothing that was helpful to the very difficult situation the woman was experiencing.

    • The man would not provide her money.

    • And for over one (1) year now -

      • he has made it his mission to kill and has -

        • every business deal the woman creates with TAP.

Smart Question #0013

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:48GMT

  • Question: Why did the man choose the woman?

TAP Response #0013

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:48GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -12:48GMT

  • Response:

    • The woman is the daughter of a fellow organization member.

    • She is the granddaughter of a famous historical figure -

      • in the nation of the country is she now captive within.

    • She's much younger than the man.

    • The woman is/was a calculus professor at a university.

    • She's a writer too.

    • Her passions include:

      • the famous inventor, Nikola Tesla

      • understanding the universe

      • understanding the human being

      • improving our world.

    • Physical beauty in the eyes of the man too.

    • The combination of attributes, apparently,

      • captivated the attention and mind of the man.

Smart Question #0014

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:05GMT

  • Question: Why is the woman captive in her home country?

TAP Response #0014

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:05GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:05GMT

  • Response:

    • Political unrest

    • Economic collapse

    • COVID-19

    • Social unrest

    • Infrastructure decay

    • She has attempted to flee since before we first met.

Smart Question #0015

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:12GMT

  • Question: Have the woman and the alien ever met in person?

TAP Response #0015

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:12GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:12GMT

  • Response:

    • No.

    • We have never spoken by audible voice.

    • We have never video conferenced.

    • Only:

      • written comm:

        • chat tools

        • email

        • shared docs

      • but made quite difficult by a language difference.

    • The woman's first language is Spanish.

    • The alien's only language is English.

Smart Question #0016

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:18GMT

  • Question: Why nothing but written comm?

TAP Response #0016

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:18GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:18GMT

  • Response:

    • This was one demand of the alien from the start -

      • because written comm generates:

        • a historical reference record

        • more thoughtful comm

        • allows for easier reinterpretation

        • allows for non-real-time comm.

    • It also helps to keep emotional separation.

Smart Question #0017

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:26GMT

  • Question: What did the two project partners agree to do together?

TAP Response #0017

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:26GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:26GMT

  • Response:

    • Try to help improve the human world -

      • both present and future,

        • especially distant future.

    • Both project partners believe human civilization is very near its implosion point.

    • The primary objective was to be the achievable objective -

      • awareness building -

        • of alternative improvement possibility.

Smart Question #0018

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:36GMT

  • Question: How would they help the future world?

TAP Response #0018

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:36GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:36GMT

  • Response:

    • The alien had discovered many alternative possibilities over three (3) decades of work -

      • the big problems of human civilization.

    • Discoveries of possible truths -

      • and discoveries of alternative methods, tools and rules.

    • This this work had been packaged up into a single brand name -

      • with the simple 3-letter word:

        • TAP.

    • TAP was what would save human civilization.

Smart Question #0019

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:45GMT

  • Question: What's the simplest way to describe what TAP is?

TAP Response #0019

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:45GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:45GMT

  • Response:

    • TAP is:

      • digital technology

      • a game to begin

      • a different type of social media platform

      • a tool for generating a new form of important reference info -

        • info that directly tackles the greatest problem of human civilization:

          • disinformation

          • misinformation

          • misunderstanding.

Smart Question #0020

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Question: Who determined that bad info is the biggest problem of today's world?

TAP Response #0020

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Response:

    • The alien did.

    • And the woman agreed.

Smart Question #0021

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Question: How exactly would the partnership tackle the challenge of spreading awareness?

TAP Response #0021

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -13:51GMT

  • Response:

    • Two different paths:

      • 1) Film

      • 2) Build the digital game tool

Smart Question #0022

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:34GMT

  • Question: Is the partnership still intact today?

TAP Response #0022

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:34GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:34GMT

  • Response:

    • No.

    • After the last recent debacle,

      • the two declared the man the winner -

        • and the two will now continue on -

          • no longer trying to work together.

    • There have been many TAP business relationships ended by the man -

      • most likely with the threat of great harm and/or death.

    • In every case,

      • all return comm requests have resulted in -

        • NO response.

    • Never again do we hear anything from anyone.

Smart Question #0023

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:40MT

  • Question: So what next for the alien?

TAP Response #0023

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:40GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:40GMT

  • Response:

    • This is what is next for the alien.

    • This website.

    • This opportunity to ask smart questions.

    • Simply trying to build greater awareness by sharing the truth -

      • or at least educated guesses of what has happened over the past two (2) years.

Smart Question #0024

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:45MT

  • Question: How can 'we' followers help?

TAP Response #0024

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:45GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:45GMT

  • Response:

    • Everything here is free for the taking.

    • Anyone can take and use for their own personal life benefit -

      • anything found here:

        • film ideas

        • digital tech ideas

        • discoveries

        • alternative possibility ideas

        • story ideas

        • new solutions

        • new methods

        • etc.

Smart Question #0025

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:52MT

  • Question: So... the alien does not care about money-making opportunities?

TAP Response #0025

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:52GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -14:52GMT

  • Response:

    • Correct.

    • I will NEVER enter into a business relationship with anyone -

      • ever again.

    • All I will do is consult and help -

      • others, who prove to me that what they want to do -

        • will be more helpful than harmful -

          • to those coming next in line.

    • As long as I'm alive and of sound mind -

      • I'm here to help others try to do something great with TAP-based possibility.

Smart Question #0026

  • Discoverer/ submitter: 'the alien'

  • Submission timestamp: 2020.10.18 -15:00MT

  • Question: What's the woman doing now?

TAP Response #0026

  • Initial response timestamp: 2020.10.18 -15:00GMT

  • Last update timestamp: 2020.10.18 -15:00GMT

  • Response:

    • I'm not really sure.

    • We remain friends.

    • We occasionally say Hola & Hi.

    • But I no longer wish to learn details of what she does re TAP or anything else.

    • I'm convinced,

      • that the man will never allow her to achieve her dreams -

        • as long as she denies him of his.